What is going on here?

By Emily - 06/01/2025 15:00 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, I went to my BFF's 16th birthday party. As I arrived, a VERY cute (and familiar looking) boy said to me, "You look hot! Wanna kiss?" I've made out at parties before so I agreed. As we did, I recognized my pal as a slightly butch, if pretty, GIRL I know. Worst part - her kisses are better than my boyfriend's. Am I gay now? FML
I agree, your life sucks 77
You deserved it 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Has your boyfriend agreed to you kissing other people? Does labeling yourself straight/bi/gay improve your life?

you can be gay or bi or straight. But if you kiss someone else while you have a bf/gf behind their back, you are an ass.


Has your boyfriend agreed to you kissing other people? Does labeling yourself straight/bi/gay improve your life?

You deserve to be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how. Love is love, so explore what you want and who you want it from.

you can be gay or bi or straight. But if you kiss someone else while you have a bf/gf behind their back, you are an ass.

So cheating on your partner is a minor footnote in this incident? I don't know what your sexuality is, but you're a self-absorbed ass.

Talk to your boyfriend about this incident. If anything, he might enthousiastically agree to become a throuple with the girl and you.