What should I do?

By Anonymous - 07/07/2024 03:00 - United States - New Philadelphia

Today, I realized my love life is a mess. I’ve been married for nine years, having an affair with a good friend for over a year, and I'm still in love with the boy who broke my heart years ago, and contacts me only when he is lonely. All three make me happy, but two of them are unable to commit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66
You deserved it 1 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sounds like you are the one who can't commit. And not only that, you don't have the decency not to do it behind other people's back. I hope all three will find someone loving and reliable which is not you to be happy with.


It sounds like you are the one who can't commit. And not only that, you don't have the decency not to do it behind other people's back. I hope all three will find someone loving and reliable which is not you to be happy with.

Divorce your husband and live the rest of your life as the town bike. Let the poor bastard find someone who will treat him right.

Underscore_foo 4

Babe, you’re the only one unable to commit. You’re married and these are the petty woes that trouble you… your love life with your two side pieces?

You are the epitome of a terrible person

you also are unable to commit. you are scum. at least do the decent thing and divorce your husband.

What should you do? You should end up divorced and alone.

you say they can't commit yet you choose to habitually cheat. if you actually committed, you wouldn't be cheating on your husband