I blame the parents

By Anonymous - 07/07/2024 05:00

Today, my son decided he is done with women and is never getting married. I couldn’t even argue with him that modern women aren’t worth marrying because his sister just yesterday dumped her boyfriend because he refused to pay to get her car out of impound for her unpaid parking tickets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 491
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just do what my parents did and pressure your son to date, get married and give you grandchildren posthaste. Worked perfectly for me. Wait, what did I just say? The complete opposite of that.

Well, at least your son knows how to make decisions based on the evidence before him. I call that a win. Your daughter, on the other hand, is using her affection as a bargaining chip.


Just do what my parents did and pressure your son to date, get married and give you grandchildren posthaste. Worked perfectly for me. Wait, what did I just say? The complete opposite of that.

Well, at least your son knows how to make decisions based on the evidence before him. I call that a win. Your daughter, on the other hand, is using her affection as a bargaining chip.