
By Anonymous - 09/05/2022 17:59

Today, I asked my son to repeat something he had said. He got right up in my face and screamed that it was time I got a "fucking hearing aid." His siblings agreed with him. My husband agreed so much, he won’t even punish him for yelling and swearing, because, “Honestly, we all wanted to scream it.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 563
You deserved it 1 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While the language and disrespect aren't justified (unless you've been told for years your need it and just refused to go), if everyone in your family is thinking the same thing, they're probably right and you should see a doctor about a hearing test and hearing aid. Denying the truth is only likely to harm your relationships more.

wrenavery90 12

Good grief. Get a hearing aid. It sounds like your family is really tired of you not hearing them.


While the language and disrespect aren't justified (unless you've been told for years your need it and just refused to go), if everyone in your family is thinking the same thing, they're probably right and you should see a doctor about a hearing test and hearing aid. Denying the truth is only likely to harm your relationships more.

Dirtysalamander1 13

what's wrong with the language? they are just words.

wrenavery90 12

Good grief. Get a hearing aid. It sounds like your family is really tired of you not hearing them.

I've never heard of that type of hearing aid. (Maybe I ought to get my hearing checked, too.) A "******* hearing aid" sounds good in that you'll not only hear better, but you also get in some aural sex!

It's time to stop denying your hearing loss and bite the bullet. clearly your entire family is sick of it