
By Fuck you dad - 16/09/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, whenever my dad says something and I (genuinely) don't hear him, he repeats it in an extremely slow and condescending manner. My family says I should "get a sense of humor" because I'm rightfully pissed about this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 312
You deserved it 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I heard that the person whom you talk to understands and likes you better when you talk to them the same way they talk tou you. How about talking to your dad in the same slow and condescending manner he uses for you? That should show your family that you have a sense of humor!


I heard that the person whom you talk to understands and likes you better when you talk to them the same way they talk tou you. How about talking to your dad in the same slow and condescending manner he uses for you? That should show your family that you have a sense of humor!