Where are you? Oh, there you are

By stood-up - 12/09/2010 05:22 - United States

Today, I filed a missing persons report on my boyfriend. He was out fishing and then was supposed to meet me for a romantic weekend getaway. He never showed up and didn't respond to my texts. I found out, courtesy of a voicemail from the sheriff's department, that he'd broken up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 691
You deserved it 4 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor you. But still, why did you file a missing report almost immediatly after he was 'disappeared', instead of A) going to his house, B) call his parents, C) call his job/school? A little over the top, isn't it?

ydi for jumping from unanswered texts to missing persons report, ease up ya psychopath, take a hint


banananut 0

wow, i get that you were worried but isn't that a little obsessive and clingy? who does that.

Why is everyone saying OP is obsessive? If you were planning a weekend trip with your boyfriend, wouldn't you be a little worried if he didn't show up? There's no way you can say for sure that OP filed the missing persons report immediately, without calling parents/friends. I say that the OP had every right to do what she did, and the boyfriend is a complete asshole for breaking it off that way, and for worrying her.

It's a little ridiculous to file a missing persons report...Did you even ask his friends and family if they've heard from him? Regardless, he's a dick, and someone should push him in an alligator infested pit. FYL

She's not a psycho bitch or clingy, she was just worried about her boyfriend. And he is a complete and total coward for not breaking up with her face to face.

carm3nl1 0

shouldve just called the sheriff back n said "now he will be missing!"

kaylovely 0

If she had no idea he wanted to dump her, that doesn't make her clingy. She didn't say they were just dating. It was her boyfriend and maybe they had been going out for a long time. She was probably used to talking to him everyday, so it would be a little weird if he just disappeared.He should of maned up and just told her, I'm sure she wouldn't of called the cops if she knew he was just being a prick.

sublimetime614 0
krysilis 0

now the police department probably thinks you're a stalker or something

krysilis 0

now the police department probably thinks you're a stalker or something