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Whoomp whoomp

By Alice - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Happy Valley

Today, my neighbor's daughter started learning how to play the trombone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 542
You deserved it 5 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments


catwoman64_fml 2

Hey my daughter places the trombone.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Heh. I'm either gonna learn clarinet or TRUMPET...

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I'm in band & you know how trombones have those long slide type things you use to change the sound? well I sit near the trombone players (I don't have an instrument yet, most people got theirs yesterday) and one of my frienimes hit me with the slide. twice.

ducksaretheshit 17

Give it time, hopefully she'll get better.

Just hope that she becomes a legend and is able to get it to not sound like a dying whale.

TrinityNevada 11

At least she's doing something productive. She can't be expected to be dead silent all the time, that's like expecting her to avoid homework or not practice outside of track. But yeah, talk to the neighbors about times that she can play that won't bother you, respect goes both ways

I lived in a house with very thin walls once and my neighbours daughter used to make piano exercises 6 days a week for two hours. And if this was not bad enough, since she was a terrible player, she always concluded her exercises with "For Elise" while making the same bloody slip EVERY BLOODY TIME. Da-da-da-da-da-da-BLENG! For 3 years Da-da-da-da-da-da-BLENG! There is no jury in the world that would have put me in jail... In other words, OP, you have my condolences, your life just started to suck. Hard.

Trombone is the noblest of instruments, originally employed by composers only in places of great meaning and importance. You'd do well to remember this as she learns. It's not the instrument's fault.

Trombones can have a very beautiful and powerful tone. Let her practice, and after a while, she'll kick brass!