With a heavy heart…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched my best friend get married to the guy I have been in love with since the eighth grade. I was the maid of honor, and had to give a toast to the couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 913
You deserved it 17 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...sounds like a plot to a romantic comedy....


to all the people saying u had plenty of time, coulda said something, shoulda spoke earlier. shut the hell up. your all just ignorant ass holse. how do u know she dident do any thing? how do u know she dident try? how do u know she just sat there in missory? to all of you shut up

FabledWaltz 0

@ #175 - It's apparent she didn't try or at the very least, try hard enough. She only has one person to blame and that is herself. @ OP - Honestly you had all the time in the world to get with him. You don't deserve him if you're just going to sit by idly and let your best friend take him. God have mercy on your soul should you decide to become a jealous bitch and ruin their relationship.

I'm really glad you're not my best friend.

wiangel15 2

I didnt really read other peoples posts on this but i saw that some people were telling you you didnt try hard enough or that your disrespcting their relationship ect. well i went through close to the same thing but thank goodness they didnt get married. i did tell the guy that i liked him. actually im in love with him and its not something you can control for those of you who say get over it. But im really sorry that you had to go through that and im glad that you are still there supporting them both and being their friend. its alot harder than people think it is to stand by and watch that happen but you are glad they are both happy im sure.

that's why you tell him maybe around hmm.. 8th grade ?

Cittenscollar 0

Oh baww, grow up. You're not in love with him, you're obsessed. Once you're actually in love you'll realize what an idiot you're being.

OUCH. I'm assuming that she should know that you're in love with him, and since 8th grade, and thus she is a BITCH for even going out with him. ...Why are you guys still friends?

wow. this situation is gonna happen to me soon, except i'm sleeping with the soon-to-be-groom.

You deserve it for not ridding yourself of a ridiculous grade eight crush years ago.

If she was your best friend you would have told her about this before she & your crush ever started dating. Your own damn fault.