With a heavy heart…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched my best friend get married to the guy I have been in love with since the eighth grade. I was the maid of honor, and had to give a toast to the couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 913
You deserved it 17 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...sounds like a plot to a romantic comedy....


19fml18 0

YDI for never making a move

does ur best friend know u love him? does he? does anyone besides random veiwers on FML website?

sorry you deserved it. you should've said something obviously if you liked him this long. it's kinda pathetic sweetie

sounds like My Best Friends Wedding..

as everyone said, you should've told him earlier, you probably had many, many chances to tell him as you watched your best friend get in a relationship with him. now, because of your inaction, you have to live with your decision. hope you find a new man. YDI

and if she really had confessed her love for him, she should and would have declined to be the Maid of Honor, and perhaps her friend and the friend's husband would understand. Unless you confess, sorry girl, but most likely your friendship is doomed.

Awww that sucks. I'm sorry. But you really should have said something. Dont live your life with regrets! LIVE!!!

Universe_of_Time 0

I just had a similar situation. I had liked this girl a year ago and we recently told each other we like each other a lot and the problem she is engaged to her best friend who she grew up with since they were babies. Life sucks but maybe I can wait to see what happens because her wedding is in a few years. But I don't regret telling her at all because I told her and at least I know. If it is not to be, there will be more girls. But what if it is?

You should have been happy for your best friend !!! You are a horrible person!! Get over it and be the best friend that would have happily made a toast for them and wished best of luck to them! Shut up, stop complaining and be the best friend that you should be!!

Now that he's married, I say move on and find someone new. It obviously wasn't meant to be, and screwing over your best friend over a guy is really not worth it.