Worried dad

By Anonymous - 01/08/2012 04:17 - Canada

Today, I tried to explain to my daughter why she couldn’t have a sleepover with her boyfriend yet. She said, "If you're so worried about me having sex, then you failed as a father because I've already banged four guys." FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 356
You deserved it 12 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comet_Candy 23

Lovely daughter you have there, OP.


LMAO - love the use if the word ''banged''.

lumberjack610 1

Here you go. You may hear a little bit of singing at first, but then she should answer. 772-257-4501

It was the RickRoll line! Aw, man mods. You killed my trolling.

I wouldn't care how old my son was its disrespectful to do that under your parents roof.

She sounded like she was labeling herself a "rapist".

WildInTheStreets 5

Well now you know that your daughter is so very classy.

sweetmama88 6

I think she is bragging , and really nothing happen, she just wanted to see what reaction her father gave her .

You should probably lay low for a while

All girls school? I would say a convent, but I would rather my daughter be a **** than a christian.

Wow... That's just a messed up comment all together!

I'm not sure if you're being ignorant or if I completely missed the sarcasm.

111- I'm betting ignorant. Many people seem to be when they decide to randomly interject religion into a conversation, IMHO. :p

TheDrifter 23

Some people are just hateful, and religion is one of the easiest targets it seems.

I would not be fond of havering a Christian kid ether. Christianity is the one religion I hate and the only religion that I hate the followers of.........and frankly I think it's a religion people need to grow out of, it's the religion of the young and foolish or self righteous.