Worst father ever

By Dick. - 13/05/2021 22:01

Today, my father was watching the story on the TV news of a girl who was killed by an Uber driver when trying to return home. The only thing he said was, "Serves her well for being a slut." I have two younger sisters and one among them had a miscarriage after her abusive ex-boyfriend raped her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 614
You deserved it 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because maybe the girl was trying to come back home at night. Maybe because girls are trying to come home at nght, it's somehow a sign for men to think "Oh she wants some d###" and because, no, she didn't, she got murdered. And maybe because you would think a father wouldn't victim-blame someone when his own daughter was assaulted!


DoctorPALO 14

What does one have to do with the other?

Because maybe the girl was trying to come back home at night. Maybe because girls are trying to come home at nght, it's somehow a sign for men to think "Oh she wants some d###" and because, no, she didn't, she got murdered. And maybe because you would think a father wouldn't victim-blame someone when his own daughter was assaulted!

bleachedraven 14
Ambrily 27

Because it's probably what he thinks about his daughter, too.

GoogieWithers 22
thatslifeiguess7 16

Look up the case of the girl told she deserved being raped because her jeans were too tight. it was in Italy

Ruairi the red 7

Women claim that shit all the time tho