By annoyedwithkids - 02/07/2011 05:48 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By peestain - 25/10/2010 10:06 - United Kingdom
The Shining
By Anonymous - 30/03/2020 14:00
By Anonymous - 15/09/2014 15:51 - United States - West Newton
By I hate children - 18/08/2014 12:10 - United Kingdom - Liverpool
By ellen77 - 13/09/2013 05:55 - United States - Santa Barbara
By Anonymous - 01/04/2013 16:02 - Canada - Calgary
Make it stop
By Levi2411 - 31/12/2018 04:00
The Omen
By Anonymous - 30/05/2012 01:55 - United States - Sioux City
Masters of mischief
By Anonymous - 18/07/2024 16:00 - United States - Salem
By UnpaidBabysitter - 07/08/2019 04:00 - United States - New York
Top comments
maybe babysitting isn't your thing?
offer them candy ^_^
try makeup?
yummy. I find almost all of your comments irrelevant to the subject,. I guess your like 10. but anyways OP. having more than 10 facial peircings, 2 inch spacers, full body satanic tattoes, black mascara, long blue hair, and sporting black leather with spikes generally does that to people. you may want to try plastic surgery or personal hygiene.
that is true. and It wasn't very funny but i see. It wasn't really a guess I assumed. and when you assume you make an ass out of u and me. aha. oh well. it's just your name, the fact you have pink heart cookies, and how you respond that makes me assume you are young. carry on having fun then
lol it may bit have been funny but you need to chill out. it better not to be serious 24/7
imsrsbro. also cupcakes,. I don't have an ok'd kit bag where could I obtain such an estranged object? I'm not a serious person at all I just like to mess with people sometimes. I like pancakes and bunnies and lots ond lots of meth :D
old*.. auto correct can orally please my right kidney..
"I guess your like ten." And when you don't get your facts straight, it makes an ass out of you and I. Do you have nothing better to do in your life then ridicule me? Sure, I have cookies with pink hearts on them. How do you know that I didn't bake them and was just taking pride and honoring my work? A picture of a dog saying "U got it babe" just shows me you (possibly) have a sense of humour, not that you are "some ten year old."
i was actually apologizing for my false assuming. but I will not take this further becuase drama is stupid and I honesty don't really care. and if you did bake those cookies i want one they look tasty
thats what paper bags are for, or maybe plastic in your situation. haha
I bet this is true.
2nd wow this has been my goal a sad one
you're so cool I wanna be just like you!!!!
I know I'm pretty awesome
haha, epic chess set!
time for a new face
well when you look like you jumped out of a death metal band/zombie movie...
Ok Micheal Meyers, little tip: Try taking off the slasher clothes, putting down the knife and being friendly; maybe say hello
I can't help but love your description about yourself
Same here. Gotta love those sarcastic bastards.
wait so the person who sent this is a dude??? O.O
Maybe they thought you were Chuck Norris, and you were going to round-house their heads off.
That's a stupid idea... the kids wouldn't have had time to run.
That's just a myth, everyone he "gave a head start" is now dead so the world may never know.
guys it's called a "head start" because when he kicks you, your head will be the first piece of you flying in the direction of said kick.

So, you have a face for telemarketing... or cattle wrangling. Could be worse. Could be your kids.
Ok Micheal Meyers, little tip: Try taking off the slasher clothes, putting down the knife and being friendly; maybe say hello