Worst life hack ever

By 1meme129 - 24/02/2016 14:12 - United States - Denver

Today, my little cousin told me about how he never wipes his ass, because if he doesn't, he doesn't need to wash his hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 315
You deserved it 1 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Solid logic, that. He's making great strides in the theory of hygiene.


ezrajab 22

Not going to lie that's kind of gross

Ah, small children. So adorably sure of their weird logic. Don't worry, OP. He'll grow out of ideas like that, and in the meantime you can try to encourage him to wash his hands and wipe properly. Maybe get some wet wipes to make things easier.

Dare him to moon someone. Maybe then his parents will teach him that personal hygiene isn't limited to his hands.

Uh, wouldn't it be uncomfortable? And cause sores or whatever?? Maybe an infection? I honestly don't know, but those are my first thoughts. That can't be healthy...

I work with elderly people (I'm a CNA) and I can confirm that yes, it absolutely does! When urine or feces are left on the skin like that, it not only causes irritation, but can strip the skin and cause sores, infection, urinary infections, etc.

I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

Well, technically, if you don't touch his ass, you'll be fine?

Skid marks for days. I can't imagine how much it itches...

Hope he enjoys his new hemorrhoids and outlandish clothes detergent spending.

BloodyGlass 10

You better inform a parent or guardian of this kid before his asshole becomes septic from infection. And yes, he still needs to wash his hands, whether he urinated or voided his bowels.