Wrap it up

By Anonymous - 12/02/2020 14:00 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old girlfriend called to tell me she is pregnant. Her dad is ex-military, and makes a point of cleaning his guns every time I go to her house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 216
You deserved it 109 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op should've taken some of his girlfriend birth control just to be extra safe.


I suggest changing your name and leaving the country. that dont work then too bad your fault for not being careful!

Sullyster 0

Ugh itll be another idiot teenage pregnancy like they show on tv.good going dumbass.next time wear a rubber our keep it in your pants.

don't be a fool wrap your tool oh and ydi

glostar1432 0

you're fked either way, but your best choice is to own up and if she is pregnant, try not to get killed so you can help with that baby.

If he wasn't smart enough to use a condom when having sex then he wasn't smart enough or mature enough to be having sex.

BAVFDFirefighter 0

you screwed up, how bout you be man enough to take your punishment whatever it may ba