X marks the spot

By Anonymous - 01/07/2013 21:14 - United States - Chicago

Today, I had to explain to a coworker that "the little red X" next to the email title she's been pushing out of curiosity is actually the delete button. Then, I had to restore the dozen emails she'd deleted even after I told her to stop. She's a manager. I stock shelves for a living. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 744
You deserved it 2 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

not everybody is employed for their brains apparently

They joys of working below your level, surrounded by chimpanzees who make your weekly pay in a day...


Living proof that you can be educated and still a moron

avd0865 11

If it wasn't for hr I wouldn't have some of the employees I have inherited taking this store

Way of the world I'm afraid op, the fool runs the world while the intelligent Lyes in a Ditch Seize the day and get a better job

qpsarah 10

She might be good at other things than emails. They are not thaaat importan. And i guess she is a bit older than you.

myeviltwin 20

I have worked with many a manager who was as incompetent as your manager seems to be. Most of them get there through nepotism, brown nosing or a combination of both.

Killersrage 5

Quit complaining, at least she is not senile.

RedPillSucks 31

Managing requires a lot of various skills. Reading emails might be only one of several things that need to be done. I know a lot of brilliant people who either couldn't manage themselves out of a wet paper bag, or micro managed, or had such an abrasive personality that no one would work for them for long.

Some people are worthless on computers...and this looks like to be one...

I believe that's called the Dilbert principle.

redeagle1924 6