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You are always on my mind

By Me. - 23/04/2024 02:00 - United States

Today, it's been almost five years since the cat I grew up with passed away. I STILL have dreams where she's alive and well, only to be utterly crushed when I wake up and realize it's just that: a dream. I also have dreams like this with my grandma, who died last year. I guess I'll never get over them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 495
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d j mom 8

it will always hurt, yet you will slowly come to not think of them every damn day. trust me, they know that you loved the cap outta them.

TomeDr 24

I’m sorry that you experience this so often but the sharp emotions you’re feeling should be fading somewhat by now. You might want to consider grief counseling.


TomeDr 24

I’m sorry that you experience this so often but the sharp emotions you’re feeling should be fading somewhat by now. You might want to consider grief counseling.

I second this. If it still feels like it was yesterday that you lost your loved ones, grief may have turned into trauma. A trauma or grief counselor would be the best thing at this time to help you move forward. Moving forward with your life does not mean you stopped loving them, it means that you are loving yourself too.

Some people believe that when you dream about a loved one who has passed on, it's because their spirit is visiting you. Maybe your grandma and your kitty are checking on you in your dreams.

d j mom 8

it will always hurt, yet you will slowly come to not think of them every damn day. trust me, they know that you loved the cap outta them.

tiptoppc 19

Yup. I think of my “perfect dog” which died at only 9. It hurts to think about them sometimes, but I also realize I was fortunate to be in my early adult years instead of a toddler where I appreciated every minute with them, and it sucks that I feel that wasn’t enough, but when they were alive, I knew to cherish them. My first cat has hit 10 years. He seems healthy enough to live longer, but he’s also one of the best pets i could have and I cherish and treat him with love like he’ll be gone tomorrow. And it’s awesome knowing at my age that I will not regret anything as that cat, just like my dog, was treated kindly and they showed me a lot of love in return.