You're nicked

By kb10 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I got arrested for shoplifting. I don't know what's worse, that I stole a one dollar bottle of chocolate milk, or that I didn't have the dollar to pay for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 442
You deserved it 75 946

Top comments

Its the fact that you are too lazy to work that's worse. Face it.

I would say what is worse is the fact you thought you could just take something that was not yours and get away with it! If you were really thirsty go drink some water out of a tap! At least you can't get done for that.


yeahreally 6

desperate times call for desperate you got caught stealing something that was a dollar

71. Desperate times call for desperate measures? Um, no. They stole chocolate milk. If they were really that thirsty they could have got a drink out of the water fountain. Just because something was only a dollar, doesn't mean that it's ok for someone to steal it. You will still get in big trouble for it.

hcovballer247 0

That you didn't have the dollar to pay for it. fyl

bad enough you dont have the cash, worse you cant differentiate between stealing & being broke.. maybe ur too stupid to get a job.

froob 0

yea I agree. what do they teach these kids in school nowadays.

mintcar 9

YDI. Chocolate milk is disgusting.

YDI. If you were truly poor, you would have at least stolen something like a bottle of water, or not even that, located a water fountain. Not just that, but you also decided to post this up on FML instead of finding a job to pay the shoplifting fine.