You're nicked
By kb10 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff
By kb10 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff
llamas with hats!! :D
97 you look like my best fries :O omg
*friend not fries lol
Come on dude... really?
If you had done that in some other country, they would of chopped off your hand. A stupid son of bitch like yourself needs that. THIEVING BASTARD!!!!!!!!!! I have no use for you or your type. It will cost you more then a buck to get out of this one. Maybe you can stand on the corner and earn enough money to pay your fines.
Its the fact that you are too lazy to work that's worse. Face it.
I would say what is worse is the fact you thought you could just take something that was not yours and get away with it! If you were really thirsty go drink some water out of a tap! At least you can't get done for that.