You tried…

By shart up, your puns suck - 01/06/2014 18:34 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I clogged my girlfriend's toilet, so being a gentleman, I tried to rectify the situation. I plunged the holy fuck out of that damned toilet, only for her to accuse me of jacking off because I was taking so long. When she stormed in and the smell hit her, she called me a pig. I just can't win. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 792
You deserved it 5 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She needs to get over herself. You're not a pig for clogging the toilet. Everyone does that sometimes.


I think it might be time to find a slightly more reasonable lady...

Avoid the clog next time. Take an upperdecker.

As a girl, I seriously cant understand some women and how they treat their partners. FYL indeed.

may be you need to unclog your girlfriend's mind first...

Totally not like she does the exact same thing! She poops, she clogs, she plunges.

High maintenance relationship. Dump her

Sounds like she has a massive clog up her ass, and just jealous the toilet got more action.

Goodtobebad 11

When did jacking off become an issue?