By coolhand - 29/08/2009 15:13 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 14/09/2012 14:50 - United States
By jester777 - 22/01/2011 17:39 - United States
By anony - 27/02/2013 13:49 - Australia - Melbourne
By TheMissMuffly - 31/07/2012 15:53 - United States - Monmouth
By locksmack - 14/06/2009 12:46 - Australia
Creeped out
By HadToApologize - 03/11/2009 05:20 - United States
Cuteness overload
By Cpm - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada
By GasAttack - 07/09/2009 13:32 - Canada
Hot shit
By Well, shit - 07/12/2024 16:00 - Canada
By me - 08/06/2012 14:00 - United States - Carthage
Top comments
ooh first! look how cool I am! *rolls eyes*
Ahh I envy you so much...? Op: Thats definitely more of an FHerLife than an FYL.
wow, you're a freak. lol
I agree, girls don't do that.
Girls dont do what? Take a crap? lol
I don't think whether she was taking a crap or not was the problem #197... The problem was where she was taking a crap..
OMG UR 1st? HOW??? OP: your a moron how is that a FML or even a FHerL god grow up and stop being an idiot. Did you know that eventually you will be taking ***** in front of each other on purpose? OMFG HOW DISGUSTING.
OMG u saw ur gf poop...big deal! u'd have to find out that she does that eventually >.> i swear some guys r so stupid ~cough~ 182 n 24 u clearly dont live w/ ne girls n if u keep up that attitude u might not in the future... there r childrens books "EVERYONE poops" (everyone!!) OP: immaturity is a part of childhood...grow up now pls :) if ur gonna have a long relationship w/ her then ur gonna have to get over this...its not that bad ...just move past this. she's still the same girl
#228: oh but generalizing about men isn't sexist because women are the minority, so they can get away with it. oh how i love america.
#232: agreed
lol boner kill :x unless he has a poo fetish..
Girls do poop! They poop rainbows and rose petals!
#227 Where the hell did that come from?
she took a dump in the shower?!?
It's never too late to try a new fetish!
I think he heard the shower turn on and thought she was in it already.
So... Poop in the shower girl?
haha I love people who comment first!
Wtf... Girls dont poop.
It's this wonderful invention God himself bleesed us with and it's a really complictaed process. The angels named it knocking on the door. You should try it.
agreed #34, there's a toilet and a shower in my bathroom! lol
he never said he knocked, and he also never said she was ******** in the shower. she probably turned the shower on and used the toilet before she got in.
hahahahaha agree also... theres this thing called bathroom here in brazil too, lol.
LLacey Patrickson.......WIN
if you actually WAITED for your girlfriend to get into the shower instead of being a dumb bitch, maybe this awkwardness wouldnt've happened. btw, EVERYBODY POOPS
but not EVERYBODY POOPS in the shower
no one's pooping in the shower if u was smart u'd kno that most people take a dump right before showering.
we just need more info - could be either
Actually I always get in the shower, wash my body, hop out, do my pooping thing, then get back in and finish the shower.
Dude... FYL
I hope you licked the shit off her butt to make her more in the mood for sex. Yeah, that would have scored you extra brownie points.
Hahaha, "brownie" points. XD
Seriously, "cross eyed bitch"? Insult fail. Screwtaylor is funny and cute, so stop being a jealous bitch.
I think you all take yourselves way too seriously. Taylor was obviously making a joke. Albeit..a..kind of..disturbing one..but..kinda funny too. Jeez people get a sense of humor. I don't get how this comment makes her a bitch. Some other comments maybe (no offense, I just don't always agree with what you have to say) but not this one...and umm...yea get better insults..its embarassing.
you know what I love even more then the douches who yell "FIRST"..... the 50 idiots who come and yell at the douche who yells "FIRST."
epicwinmaster = best name ever.
r u serious? idt thats right cuz u might slip n fall in the tiolet
You. Rainbow picture guy. Go read the reply to the Dirty Sanchez thread. I don't remember what I said, but I wanted you to read it.
It seems like that post has resonated through several ones since. You might want to take a sight-seeing tour of Lake Erie on the Cleveland Steamer.
ummm idk if u can read or not but i said SLIP!!!
idk its just in my opinion its disgusting in there
How is it disgusting to make love in the shower?
I think it's hot too. No seriously, how IS it disgusting? I mean, you're in the SHOWER. You're getting clean while having sex! Just so you know, you kind of get naked and wet when having sex in bed, too.
im not talking about sex in shower, im just saying sex near the tiolet is disgusting!
actually its separate in my house thats y i cant full imagine the scene!!

It's this wonderful invention God himself bleesed us with and it's a really complictaed process. The angels named it knocking on the door. You should try it.
she took a dump in the shower?!?