By callie - 18/06/2011 06:08 - United States

By callie - 18/06/2011 06:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/11/2010 13:00 - United States
By Rissa Warrington - 09/03/2012 08:30 - Canada
By Anonymous - 10/06/2014 02:14 - United States - Richmond
By kaylajere - 26/05/2010 08:17 - United States
By Sexy Rash - 21/02/2014 23:26 - Australia - Wallgrove
By Anonymous - 02/09/2019 00:01 - Spain - Barcelona
By julian1 - 19/08/2015 11:34 - United States - Orlando
By awkardtaco - 28/09/2018 13:30
By me. - 29/10/2011 04:43 - United States
By IsThisRealLife - 01/02/2016 17:00 - United Kingdom
well it does count as selfpleasuring...
At least she wasnt holding an electric toothbrush
mmm dont lie OP !!!
yes yes it does
is the OP a boy or a girl?
38- girl Well, that situation bites. I can't think of anything that would suck more.
@38: You can have a future career as a pokemon professor. You'll probably also forget your grandson's name. Hint: HIs name is Dicks.
she probably found it awkward talking to you with an erection.
63 - OP is a girl. The username says "callie."
69- wow, your stupid.
74, wow, *you're stupid too.
38 oh ya double pun, get down people, get down!!
ROFL. That woulda been so awkward... xD
79, *Wow, we're all stupit'!
48 - win.
ummm take off the pants and switch to shorts? sorry OP i know how you feel *scratches leg*
you may as well take your shirt off too then.
You should walk in on your mom masturbating and insist that she was using your toothbrush.
Screw the toothbrush, bring a camera! Perfect blackmail and then she never has to speak about this to long distance family!
ok but if it was your outer thigh she should have realized that your handwasnt in your crotch...
I believe it would be extremely hard to do in jeans. She's dumb.
ha ha yeah, since when is your ****** on your outer thigh?
Hahaha! That is hilarious :'D
your face is hilarious!!!!!
The moans of pleasure you were making made it hard to believe you.
it's also awkward when you have the bottle of lotion beside you
Tell her: if I want to ********** I will wether you like it or not, bitch
well it does count as selfpleasuring...
ok but if it was your outer thigh she should have realized that your handwasnt in your crotch...