By pancakelicious - 04/10/2013 11:16 - New Zealand

By pancakelicious - 04/10/2013 11:16 - New Zealand
To everyone concerned: Yes, I washed my hands afterwards. Also, I couldn't refuse the money since my boss was nearby and watching my every move.
I guess we found out what happened after the visit to the mint.
You know, it'd be hilarious if these FMLs (not specifically these ones) actually crossed paths.
oh my god! that was wonderful! you saw the opportunity, and you took it. I laughed so hard!
Hahahaahha yes!
Haha, well played 1, well played.
Hahahahah lovely costumer
It's not Halloween yet!
customer spelled as costumer.
I realized that my spelling is incorrect.
well when reading, your brain only looks at the first and last letter so that would make sense, in the middle of the word letters can be switched around
Wlel I gesus it's ture, but it's siltl vrey anoinnyg to raed.
It's okay, you're hot.
Oh god that's disgusting, sorry for the inconvenience OP, some people are just nuts.
Actually, it is possible, although unlikely, that it was MAIL stuff. Maybe like some of the adhesive on envelopes or something. I really hope it was that.
Let's give them credit for it anyway...
#77, please just stop
Well, you know, male stuff covered coins. Delightful.
The word 'Well' was not in the FML. Aha! Besides, I like the word 'Delightful'.
just stop, 31
Either way, #104, I like you. You other people must know that I shall never stop.
I like your profile pic
I deal with money at work and the coins can get seriously nasty. I had one that had some sort of oil on it...
Was it nut oil, by any chance?
This is why I see more and more cashiers wearing vinyl gloves at the register. People are just ******* nasty.
I once heard that a place in my local area would boil the coins they received in water before rolling them to send to the bank.
What a jerk off!
nowadays there are sanitizers at work. thankgoodness
I think they meant for OP to use the hand sanitizer...
That would have just helped his hands, not the coins. Unless he decided to slather all the coins he had with him as well. But honestly he really shouldn't have gotten anything like that on the coins in the first place...
That's a sticky situation! All jokes aside, hopefully you were able to sanitize or wash your hands soon after.
I think he enjoys dead presidents a bit too much
Why would there be presidents on the money?
I... I think I've finally found it, a comment too stupid to reply to
Not sure if troll or really that stupid. If it's the latter, then I agree with you, #88... #76's response was so bafflingly stupid I had to take a screenshot of the whole comment thread just in case any of my friends that I told about this refused to believe that anyone could actually be that ******* stupid.
Wow, I guess despite my overwhelming, unbelievable stupidity, I was the only one who noticed OP was from NEW ZEALAND?
Yes, because most NZ currency has major figures like the queen on their currency, which isn't very far from a president, learn a thing for once and then you'll have the right to defend your idiotic comment
I guess we found out what happened after the visit to the mint.
What a jerk off!