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I'm a rebel, mom!

By SheenaL - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my son is going through a rebellious phase. He's taken to wearing leather and chains, listening to death metal music all day in his room alone, and screaming at me in public places. He was fired from his part-time job for swearing at customers. My son is 29 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 207
You deserved it 13 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chickunkey 0

kick his ass out of the house.

KennKenn 0

I would have typed "give him a timeout" then I read the end.


KennKenn 0

I would have typed "give him a timeout" then I read the end.

bengermin 5 your last name Bluth by any chance, OP?

uglyyness 0

bad boys bad boys :/ whatcha gonna do?

rogerusmc23 0
blondebrunette11 4

to OP: your the mom...u know his weaknesses, so y r u just complaining on fml??? we dont know anything about this guy, what r we supposed to do??

We are supposed to either criticize or support OP in a grammatically-correct manner. Which one you choose is up to you.

jellitonoctopus 19

slayer, no one asked for your comment.

jellitonoctopus - that's the beauty of the comment section. You see, many millenia ago the Mighty FML Deity decided to make And he looked and saw it was good. And he said, "Yea, is good, glory be. But the people should be able to comment on the vignettes." And the FML comment section was born. And now the people may comment as they wish without invitation, Deity be praised. Hallelujah and amen and all that etc etc.

Doc are you the FML prophet we've all been waiting for?!? :o

the wholy trinity of fml is docbastard, perdix, and IAmScrubs.

Alex94xela 0

ahh I get it OP is Justin beiber's mom. Don't worry OP he's just going through puberty

notsocrazee 0

shut up about beiber people!!!! if you hate him so much stop bringing him into places he's not needed

She's not bieber's mom, bieber's 5, not 29.

I spy with my little eye..a Justin beiber fan.

Don't make fun of Justin bieber. She has feelings too.

She's probably expereincing her first period

hey 98! I am offended by your pic! D: lol

Doc you are beast!I'm new here and it didn't take me long to realize you are one of the greats!I commend you

slushpup9696 12

If it's a trinity, then Perdix and Doc are definitely up there. I haven't been reading enough IAmScrubs... I'll work on that.

tjv3 10

umm screw timeouts this is a clear case of what's wrong with America . I bet if OP would have used a belt and also taught some responsiblity. maybe he would be a productive member of society.

zuzupetalsYO 11

you raised him YDI. kick him out!

KennKenn 0

It's a pleasure having Doc in my reply section.

29 kick him out now why is he still in your house at 29 that's just crazy

destineemercedes 0

Why is he still living with you? Kick him out!

chickunkey 0

kick his ass out of the house.

wolfshadow 4

Times have changed sadly. What used to be out the house by the age of 18-25 has now become more 23-30. While it makes sense, due to the economy and low paying jobs a a young age, and college expenses, living on your own can be tough. Parents are definitely good resources if you have them available. Anyway, back to the FML. If he brings up the "I don't want you treating my like a kid anymore" bull, tell him it's because he's actig like a little kid. Black leather and chains is a good look, but the attitude is total crap. He probably just wants attention. Keep an eye on him, he might vandalize. How fun, right?

sxe_beast 11

While it is more normal for kids to live with their parents longer that does not excuse his behavior. I have an older cousin who is 28 that lives with his parents, but is otherwise pretty independent and doesn't go through immature phases. The OP's son is.. this is just sad. Wow.

imnotcraZ 0

yeah...all I took away from that is that he still lives with you. you know there's a time for certain things!

WallyTheWombat 0

If he's that old and this is happening, he's either mentally ****** in the head or OP is a fail parent. Seriously, if my kid was yelling at me while I'm providing him a place to live, (this still assumes he's 29) I'd kick his ass out of the house and charge rent if he wanted back in.

tell him to listen to Lil Wayne. problem solved

Yeah, Lil Wayne music will make him a pussy again.

he's 30 years old! he's nit a kid! btw op why the he'll is he still living with you? kick him the **** out! your house your rules

sparklybetty 0

why can't some ppl get sarcasm? :( the world would be a better place.

1215116a 14

I agree. I always see sarcasm comments having thumbs down and stupid comments hating on them. It's the internet people, not everyone is serious. That's why the internet is full of kittens.

stevenJB 25

**** yea!!! HEAVY ******* METAL!!!!

ChristinaLove138 0

oops my bad. thought u had the same as me

lmfao! oh man. you are everything I hate in teenage girls. plus the fact that you say you're 17 when it says you were born in 1990.

I like the taste in music. ;) Also, some of us teens have to lie about our age to recieve the same priveleges as as the other members, cause its ridiculous the features we're denied because of one year.

There's seriously more jailbait on fml than any other actual jb site

are people 'thumbs up'ing christina's comment cuz shes hot ?

Is the pope Catholic? Does a bear shit in the woods? Is rallets a troll?

Metallica, the best metal band ever. YYEEAAHHHHH

fusebox 0

mmm cut me a piece of that metal loving jailbait!

wow you guys obviously have no life if you're making comments on her personal profile .. lame ass people

HAVE U LOOKED AT HER PIC, how can a guy not comment.

Well, if he's not into trashy, young, attention seeking girls, or if he's gay, then a guy wouldn't comment positively on it. Cheers

Cut. Him. Off. He'll regain his senses. :)

Its like a mid-life crisis for an early 20th Century life expectancy. *facepalm* I'm about 10 years younger than him, and somewhat immature for my age, and I know better than to act like that. I knew better than that when I was 14, for goodness' sake.

Time for an ultimatum or he gets kicked out.

cc_the_beast 6

I think it would be along the lines of; STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH!!! Sounds like OP's son needs a good kick up the arse!

purple_zebras_ 0

seriously the second he was ungrateful I would kick him out

I would help my son pay for college but if he doesnt go to college then I would cut him off unless I was given a good reason not to.

fyl op, as they say, you can choose your friends, you can't choose your family. sounds like someone needs to grow up...

Inspired22 11

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Yes. It sounds like he has the type of emotional issues that some kind of a psychological therapist would be expected to handle.

Actually, it IS normal for a person to go into a rebellious stage.

kc1997kc 9

it is, but not when they are 29.

the rebellious stage is more like in one's teenager years up until they're an adult because that's what they're pretty much waiting for.