By fabs1171 - 29/11/2012 05:40 - Australia - Chatswood

By fabs1171 - 29/11/2012 05:40 - Australia - Chatswood
By nearlythere - 30/09/2011 04:50 - Australia
By Sammylad - 07/09/2011 22:14 - United Kingdom
By The junkie - 23/10/2022 16:00
By depraved - 08/01/2009 11:21 - United States
By Noguestlist - 02/03/2011 08:16
By Banana - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Puerto Rico
By fr1day - 21/01/2009 07:25 - Australia
By WhatsThatSmell - 25/02/2011 13:25 - Australia
By stewardess - 03/10/2014 01:55 - United States
By porkabye - 02/08/2014 23:44 - United States - Duluth
An appropriate topic of conversation, considering you live "down under", no? :-P
Yes! Haha because. . . Question: What is an Australian kiss? Answer: Similar to a French kiss, but done "Downunder."
I agree
No man. It's July. Haha.
Hah lol!
When I saw this fml I had a feeling it was Australia.(an Australian)
Other than Cheetos, what else is there to talk about when you're young, drunk, and high?
Sex would probrobly be a very common topic for a conversation.
#8 they probably don't get laid if they're talking About their pubic hair.
No not Cheetahs, it's always Cooler Ranch Doritos when you high & drunk!!
lmao not cheetahs either Cheetos*
Well depending on the gender the conversation could go like this: Girls: " Did you see that see through shirt that girl Sam was wearing in biology?" "Yeah what a *****." Guys:"Did you see that see through shirt that bitch Sam was wearing?" "Yeah bro. I sat right behind her in Biology." It was awesome!"
In Australia stoner food is maccas lol and lots of it!
48- What benefit do you get from sitting behind a girl with a see through shirt? All the goods are in the front.
89- unless you're into those fat chicks, get to look at those back boobs.
"Lol, Dave only has one pube! I have, at least 5!" "Wow man, you've got some serious balls, duuuuude" Must have been a riveting conversation.
" No way you have five let me see dude" is how I picture it going.
That's, uh, neat... I guess.
# 30 what the ****? Nobody wants to hear about your prickly pubes.
Me and kyleekay like to keep you guys on your toes, keep it fresh. Or maybe I just couldn't think of any and was too tired to try, who knows! However, 51, "exactly" what?
'Hey man wanna see my pubes' is not what I would wanna hear on the subway to work!
I don't know about you guys but if I was on that train I'd definitely join in on their conversation about pubes.. Just me? Ok..
Is it just me or is it that every time some one end with "just me? Okay.." It gets buried? I feel if you need to putthatatthernd, just delete the comment and start over
Yeah didn'tyouhear? This is the waythatpeople who talk abouttheir pubes type.
If you're young enough to be amused by the goings-on of your nether regions, you're too young for alcohol and pot... Oh, and it's a Thursday - shouldn't those little ******* be in school?
Do u shave your balls? How do u do it? Should I shave my balls?
Lets not talk about balls and shaving please. No one wants to hear that. Or at least I don't.
This is FML. Not Pornhub.
4, sadly summer holidays have started. Cannot walk down the street without seeing them waltzing around with their goon bags and crop tops. Dear lord.
101-I understand it is slang, but what are "goon bags"?
A goon bag is slang for the inner lining of cask wine
You never seem to run out of interesting things to chat about when you're a kid.
Am I the only one here who can't speak with baby goats?
Oh aren't you a clever one.
Kids these days...smh
SMH? So Motherfucking High? Smoking My Hemp? Sharing Manly Hairs? Just kidding.
Sharing manly hairs seems very appropriate here.
Yes, two kids were high and talking about stupid shit. This instantly makes all "kids these days" terrible. I'm sure there were kids just as bad, if not worse, in your day too.
Good thing the kids in my year were so much more mature than that. Derp.
Sydney Morning Herald, considering that OP was from NSW....
You should've joined in and said "I can guarantee I have more pubic hair than all of you. I haven shaved since high-school." That would've shut them up. Or turned them on, depending on what kind of freaks you're dealing with.
Do they shave or just go all natural?
I don't need to shave. My boyfriend's braces usually do the trick.
If they didn't have any to start with, it's not much of a trial!
An appropriate topic of conversation, considering you live "down under", no? :-P
"Lol, Dave only has one pube! I have, at least 5!" "Wow man, you've got some serious balls, duuuuude" Must have been a riveting conversation.