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By Anonymous - 28/06/2015 05:13 - United States - Corona

Today, after my daughter told half her class about my retainer, I advised her to keep mummy's personal details personal. Now she responds, "I'm not supposed to tell" to any question regarding our home life. Thus far, I've received six very concerned calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 035
You deserved it 2 662

Same thing different taste

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I'm wondering why they would call? What were the questions in the first place? I'd like to hear a follow up.

I feel like people ask "how is mommy?" or something simple like that. If I asked how their mom is but they only said "I'm not supposed to talk about it" I'd get concerned. Would like a follow up from OP.


Wow, how did you think this one up? Never heard this before...

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Try to teach her the difference OP

I just realized that I may have just pointed out the obvious

I'm wondering why they would call? What were the questions in the first place? I'd like to hear a follow up.

They called because in this day and age too many people have turned super judgey and have decided they have the right to check into/interfere with other people's lifes with very little basis to go on. She's lucky that Child Services wasn't called by all those people first.

acerredrum 23

@7, That really isn't fair. If I asked a child when she did this weekend and the answer was, "I'm not suppose to talk about it." or "How is your mommy doing?" and the child thinks they aren't allowed to talk about it, that IS concerning. It may be nothing but it is better to check and risk seeming nosy than ignore it and it end up being a serious case of abuse.

I'd rather someone be interested/worried than for something to seriously be happening and no one take it seriously. Going to school to be a social worker and I've shadowed cases where someone let's one little detail go and the child is harmed from it.

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acerredrum 23

They aren't asking her, they are asking a five year old who isn't saying "I don't feel like talking about it." she is saying "I'm not supposed to talk about it." Those are two humongously different things. Also why does being there for a year or more mean she is trusted? If she doesn't participate in anything school related, if the teachers/principals do not know her personally, why would they trust her? Also your last sentence makes no damn sense.

ZombieVampirez 24

Kids just talk about everything. No one should question home life though.

Hgomez2 0

If there is reason for concern then home life should definitely be questioned. As an educator I've had to question home life and call CPS. One case turned out to be unproven but the other was not. There were severe issues aND child had to be removed from parental care.

Why are they even brining up home life in school? People should mind their own business.

The kids could have just been talking amongst themselves during "free time" and the teacher overheard. I don't really think that retainers are a big personal matter. This could have all been avoided had OP not made her kid talking about her retainer a bigger deal than it is.

It was probably a conversation on teeth or something and the girl put up her hand and said "My Mummy wears a thing to make her teeth straight!" and then someone mentioned it to her and she thought it was too much information.

My home life never got brought into my school life like that!! That's awful! At least people care about your kid though. Always nice to know. I have a retainer too... I only have to wear it at night now but they suck and are so embarrassing!

Why is having a retainer embarrassing? Half of Americans have had braces or retainers. It's not like plastic surgery which is kind of hush hush.

meggieeeee92 27

I don't see how her daughter mentioning she has a retainer is a huge deal. It's not like people have never had braces. I think the mom over reacted here.

I feel like people ask "how is mommy?" or something simple like that. If I asked how their mom is but they only said "I'm not supposed to talk about it" I'd get concerned. Would like a follow up from OP.

Yeah if a kid said that to me the situation would just seem sketchy to me