By Tiffosaur - 04/01/2013 06:12 - United States

Today, I went on a blind date. As soon as my date saw me walking towards him, he checked his watch and said, "Oops, wrong place." Then walked right past me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 013
You deserved it 2 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side, you were spared the horror of dating a douchebag.

A watch that tell you where to be... I need one of these.


mowmowlife 21

Didn't see that one coming. Argh bad comment

It's alright OP theres lots of fish in the sea. And #1 you're right, it was a bad comment.

If you knew it was a bad comment why did you even post it?

mowmowlife 21

Because it was a sitting duck pun with little consequence. And in admitting it was bad there was no downside, as people could like it or agree with me. But I really am sorry for OP

On the bright side, you were spared the horror of dating a douchebag.

That must've been a great watch if you can check where you are by looking at it..

Wrong place, at the wrong time comes to mind. (:

Who says he's a douche blind date means they haven't seen one another if she is so positive it's him then she saw a picture before hand but apparently he didn't ... So she can screen but he can't? Or perhaps he wasn't even the guy, she could just be making eye contact with a stranger who now feels awkward and wants to avoid the upcoming convo.

I bet if he really was like literally a BLIND date there wouldn't be that problem of him being a douche ya know? ^_^ and then if he is being a douche you can bring a crow along to peck his blind eyes out teehee ^_^

I'm wondering how his watch told him he's at the wrong place? Maybe early... Maybe late... GPS watch?

BlitheNightmare 7

#48 I'm assuming he didn't say it to her. Especially if it was the right person.

Completely agree with number 2. At least his dick move saved you from dating his douchebag self.

Couldn't you have just thumbed up #2 or made a different comment?

Didn't know you had to conform to what you want, but OK?

38 that would require imagination *rainbow hands*

At least he didn't bail halfway through dinner, apparently he went only for looks and that's never a good sign I guess.

How did OP know it was her blond date? It was a blond date...

Take it as being saved from wasting time on a date with a shallow prick.

you will find some one that will like you for who you are and im truely sorry for you i know how much that hurt

You don't want to date someone like that anyways. Find someone who genuinely likes you and isn't a total ass wipe.

A watch that tell you where to be... I need one of these.

Maybe Ms. Weasley will let you barrow hers. Though hers is a big wall clock so that might be hard.

BlueFlatts 20

I think the world could do with out a magical Flavor-Flav. Scary right?

Why is the guy automatically written off as a douchebag? If the guy wasn't attracted to her I think it's a better move to just cut loose and not move forward instead of leading her on with no intention of staying with her. Yes he could have at least talked to her but maybe he's just shy like that.

vencku 13

Maybe he is shy. But that doesn't excuse being rude. Especially not if it's just because he isn't attracted to OP. If you plan a blind date, you can say it won't work out after meeting, but not that you're too shy. In that case you should never have agreed to one in the first place!

It was one date. Going out on a first date with someone isn't leading them on. Even if he wasn't attracted to her he could have at least continued the date then later not asked her out again. That way she would think they just didn't click, not that he would just walk out on her like that as soon as he saw her.