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By Anonymous - 28/02/2016 15:57 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because I've recently become serious about getting fit, and have lost nearly 84 pounds. Apparently, when I was fat, I made her look smaller in comparison. When I got slimmer, she insisted I either gain the weight back or she'd leave. So she did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 488
You deserved it 1 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ColCyclone 17

she did you a favor. Can't imagine the relationship would have been great anyway with her personality

Look, if she was only with you to feel better about herself, it's much better this way.


That sucks OP, but hopefully you can pull yourself up and find someone who supports your new lifestyle. Congrats on doing so well :)

Look, if she was only with you to feel better about herself, it's much better this way.

Loosing that much weight doesn't happen overnight. (It took me 15 months to loose 50kg) One of the best secondary benefits is a positive change in your attitude. She probably had more of a problem with this than the actual weight loss.

Or, maybe, she has a fat fetish and is only physically attracted to chubby people. She might have been too chicken to admit that. Because I honestly doubt that one chooses a partner solely to mask one's flaws.

ColCyclone 17

she did you a favor. Can't imagine the relationship would have been great anyway with her personality

tantanpanda 26

OP did lose weight. He lost even more now since she's gone :) She truly did you a favor. What kid of significant other would have that kind of attitude anyway?

Keep doin you! And congrats on taking steps to getting healthy!

Don't feel sad about it, OP. It was for the best. And congrats on getting healthy :)

good on you to stick with what's best for your health, both physically and emotionally. it may be hard losing her, but that is not the kind of attitude you need from someone who should support your goal to better yourself!

You deserve someone better. You have to like the person you are before you can contribute fully to a relationship.

saffy66 34

Good for you, find someone whose self esteem doesn't rely on other people looking bad to make her feel good. You've dodged one hell of a bullet there.

flyingflies 36

If someone has issues about what you eat, eat them too. On a more serious note, congratulations on losing weight!

So she did not love you and you just lost another 100-something useless weight! Congratulations! (Yeah, I know you might not be in the mood for jokes --I hope you find a real love and in the meantime enjoy your "new" body, you really did great!)