By ewwy - 10/10/2010 06:54 - United States

Today, I returned a friend's jacket after borrowing it. I made sure to wash it and keep it clean. When he went to put it on, a pair of my granny panties fell out of the sleeve. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 000
You deserved it 7 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha, that's awkward. But if you are truly ashamed of your underwear, you might want to buy new ones.

wow. I can't believe there are no comments yet. oh and op, don't worry bout it. he'll forget about your Grandmas panties in his jacket in no time


wow. I can't believe there are no comments yet. oh and op, don't worry bout it. he'll forget about your Grandmas panties in his jacket in no time

megamandude455 10

what's even more awkward is that someone that wears granny panties knows about fml.

why was OP borrowing a guys jacket though?

oakeidoakei 9

You've NEVER borrowed a guys' jacket before? Lots of girls do. Pretty common where I live.


Gogo Gadget: Granny Panties!! lol

Some guys well borrow a chicks jacket just for a laugh

Hahaha, that's awkward. But if you are truly ashamed of your underwear, you might want to buy new ones.

damn, I'm not sure what to put, did you deserve it or does your life suck? I CAN'T CHOOSE!

omgYoUbasTards 0

any girl who owns granny panties definately deserves whatever comes to her!

#54 It makes me sad that there isn't a male equivalent to granny panties.

kaijapapaya 0

white tighties are just as bad as granny panties.

Why were they in the same laundry load to begin with...?

why not? she had to wash them, they were probably similar colours so she washed them together... its not unusual..

As you said #8, there is some rationale behind washing them in the same load of laundry. However, I personally wouldn't wash a friend's jacket in the same load of laundry that contained any undergarments; especially if I would find them especially embarassing to be seen. Maybe that's just me. *shrugs*

everything comes out clean so theres no harm in washing stuff together.... but i would check all pockets etc before i dried anything, i shake my laundry when it comes out the washing machines, helps with crinkles and also dislodges misplaced items :D

There's no sense in creating separate loads to separate a jacket with undies. It would be a waste of water when all could be washed in one load.

Like I said: it could just be me. It also could just be my OCD talking, as I wouldn't wash tops with bottoms.

Jackets tend to be made out of much heavier material than knickers, even the granny kind. That's why I'd wash them separately. Unless I had to go to a laundromat-- all bets are off when quarters get involved.

Quags377 0

I lol'd when OP said granny panties, but not really FML, just funny

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

LOL, this cracked me up. Next time be more careful with your granny panties OP... Nothing to eff your life about though OP...

flashback.miss 28

lol what 10 said. laugh it off. thisll be a source of inside jokes (maybe-hopefully) between you and your friend :D id probably go E, what? at first then giggle away the awkwardness besides, whats wrong with wearing granny panties???

perdix 29

He was probably more offended by how much you stretched out his jacket with your obese form than your comically large and unappealing undergarment.

why were you wearing granny panties anyways? XD

Stfu you think your all that yeah you know you do lol

cadillacgal79 32

Lots of girls do, it's not that uncommon, they're a hell of a lot better than string around your crotch and some girls call them "period panties" because it's what normal girls wear while on their period and not string.