By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 10:35 - Norway

Today, I got a phone call from a friend, who lives in the same neighbourhood as me, wondering if it was my father she saw walking a dog by her house, wearing only his boxers. It was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 919
You deserved it 2 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Your Dad walks a dog in December in Norway in only his boxers? That's either the toughest son-of-a-bitch I've heard of in a long time, or a raging drunk! Your friend might not want to look out the window in January, since your Mom got your Dad a thong for Christmas!

What kind of dog was it? Was it a BOXER?


this really isn't a big deal. when I was a kid, my best friend's dad would mow the lawn in his speedo.

well. if he's hot its fine. if hes not omg hide all of his boxers so he can't ever do that again.

BadasS14 0

at least he has the pants to walk the sog at night!


He was strutting it like a cat walk. Or should I say dog walk?

Atleast he ain't ashamed. Plus, now you don't have to take the dog out yourself.

muchagente 5

Isn't it freezing cold up there?

What kind of dog was it? Was it a BOXER?

sourgirl101 28

What are you talking about? That was indeed a win!

He was enjoying the Norwegian breeze with his best friend. That's not a crime!

I'm sure it will lead you down the path of righteousness as well.

sourgirl101 28

"You two" would make very beautiful but sarcastic children.(:

Sourgirl, I'm positive your children are equally as sarcastic and have the same fabulous taste in music as you. :)

sourgirl101 28

Haha, my son does. My daughter likes Bieber and Johnas brothers etc. What can I do?lol

perdix 29

Your Dad walks a dog in December in Norway in only his boxers? That's either the toughest son-of-a-bitch I've heard of in a long time, or a raging drunk! Your friend might not want to look out the window in January, since your Mom got your Dad a thong for Christmas!

the seasons are different on that side of the world. as i am to a houstonian it.