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By robertsonjimmy - 14/06/2011 01:46 - United States

Today, I let my new puppy outside for the first time. When I went to get him, I saw a man running off with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 615
You deserved it 12 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments


watch your puppy next time puppynapping is a huge issue

pwincessa23 1

exactly. watch ur puppy. why would u just let it out like that?

immja 0

that's y u get a German shepherd. it would destroy him. in the nicest way possible.

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where I live there's also the risk of hawks carrying off small dogs. always watch your puppy

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Yes, because the cops will understand as soon as they see him/her chasing someone with a gun...

enonymous 8

Was he driving a lawn mower when he stole the puppy?

VinegarStrokes 0

43 think before you speak, that's a great way to get shot d-bag.

VinegarStrokes 0

43 think before you speak, that's a great way to get shot d-bag.

GreenMaze 0

it's probably the owner of the puppys mommy

Veraymix 6

If you weren't around, and the puppy wasn't on your property at the time, he could have just thought it was a missing dog. Maybe he was bringing it to the SPCA. Then again...maybe not. You should be more responsible.

are you stupid? why leave your puppy outside alone?

thats y u get a cat... theres no such thing as catnapping.. right?

88, catnapping exists, just when asleep.

salvorican 24

61 I'm not sure he would be running off with a cute, healthy puppy just to bring it home to report it missing...

Puppy-napping is a worryingly growing trend that is due to the unquenchable need for Cruella de Vill to have a outfit made from puppy fur. she believes that the pelt of cute puppies gives one eternal youth.

Veraymix 6

92- Hence why I said maybe not. In situations like that it's hard to really tell. Not to mention dogs whom are cute to some people, could be hideous to others. Regardless, that shouldn't have anything to do with it- but it would be nice to believe that man wasn't dognapping it, and give him the benefit of the doubt.

shakeTHEworld 12

Lol, 38. I remember that FML.

Actually 14 I have a German Shepard and it was actually quite cute and harmless when it was a puppy but honestly not for long. But it is still very cute.

angie97 0

your a dunbass for saying that

angie97 0

your a dunbass for saying that

German Shepherds can be lovely, calm, affectionate adults. If they are trained and treated properly they are gentle giants. They are a great breed, sadly so many douchebags own them and don't understand how to look after them.

you saying that is like saying all pitbulls are dog fighters

FML_CDF90622 0

Wow. You r stupid, it wuld depend where he/she got the puppy. U can't jus take something tht doesn't belong to u. Thief s.o.b.

I was accused of puppynapping once. Problem was, the dog was running through the streets with no collar and I picked it up. I gave it food, reported it to the local shelter, and posted in the local newspaper. The owner called me in a rage accusing me of stealing her dog and going as far as calling the police. No charges were pressed since I took the proper measures, but still. Even after the cops explained she should tie it up or watch it to make sure it never happened again, I saw the pup a week later, running down the road again. No collar or anything else to identify it. Moral of the story, watch your puppies if you let them out, damn it!

36 If you're that big of a dumbass then no one cares about your respect.

Was it an asian guy? if so, go to your local chinese restaurant before its too late!! On another note, i totally get the "dunbass" reference. lol

This. If I let my puppy outside for the first time, I would be watching over it like a hawk, even if it was in my garden.

36, We don't need your respect anyways c:

A woman with a gun would scare me... You don't know what she could do! Haha :p

Mortoli 30

yeah dont fire in the air besides just shoot the jerk he deserves it and i dont think that is illegal. besides he probably came onto the property to grab it it should be legal if he trespassed and stole/napped something lol. in any case call the cops op. they wont get on it right away im sure but hopefully they will do something for you.

To quote Billy Madison - "The part in the story I don't like is that the little boy gave up looking for Happy after an hour. He didn't put posters up or anything, he just sat on the porch like a goon and waited. That little boy's gotta think: 'You got a pet. You got a responsibility.' If your dog is lost, you don't look for an hour then call it quits; you get your ass out there and you find that ******' dog!"

rherring 1

they make guns for reasons like this.

swimchica22 0
Trixy288 0

lol thats crazy im watchin that movie right now!!!!!

Protect the pups! Then one day, when they're grown, Someone might be trying to kill you, that faithful dog would try to save you! Sure enough a cat would save itself an run the hell away.

But the puppy was a dog! (Mrs Slippy starts nodding her head in agreement)

No a cat would be more likely to do something to save itself that would inadvertently save you. The cat would then act like it totally intended for that to happen. I love cat's. As I always say who needs blind adoration when you can have condescending, smug indifference.

iSitt 0

did you copy the serial number off of it?

fyl11122233 0

Haha,and tell me why didnt he run after the dumbass with a bat...

Wow that's ******. You don't **** with someones doggy.

LolMoqz 10

At least he didn't steal your life.. Or worse.. Your virginity


it's actually frowned upon here in America..

You do however **** with someone doggy.

LolMoqz 10

110- At least somebody agrees with me(: thanks

zuzupetalsYO 11
jessie12198 0

go and get your puppy back man stand up for yourself and that lil ball of fur

on the bright side, it wasnt your kid.

Most of the time I feel like dogs > kids. Or, the OP could be like many people, including myself, who don't have children but view their pet as a sort of furru child. Then again, most people wouldn't leave a new puppy outside by itself either.

rawrrawrrachael 0

I would let them keep the kid. just give me the puppy.

He means his puppy ran off with another man... Into the sunset... Because nowhere does OP say the man was carrying the puppy. He was simply running off with him.

69_jackson_69 0
seximexi911 10

hmm you must have had an extremely cute puppy

Or an extremely expensive purebred puppy...

I don't know.. But that's a reason people steal dogs sometimes.

Actually, if a thief were smart, they wouldn't bother with stealing expensive purebred dogs because, without their papers, they're just as "worthless" as any shelter mutt.

with out paper work you can still sell a pup for a decent amount. I bought my husky for 150 without paper work. prettiest dog ever :)

haha same thing happened to me the other day when I was jogging but I stopped to let the owner catch up

athena3100 9

haha lol this is really funny where has people's sense if humor gone?

jessie12198 0

that's why you should have installed a laser beam into your dogs collar

Laser beams are for SHARKS, not dogs!

Why would you put a puppy out without someone to watch it? Please figure this out before you have children!

Ever heard of something called a fence?

ChelsBearr 0

This my friends, is a true FML.

well you should have told your friend that they should have chase after him like the ppl at the top said you gotta stand up for yourself

Reading comprehension fail there.. #11 wasn't saying this happened to their friend. By 'friends' they meant the people reading the comment/ OP.