By Loveless - 05/06/2011 12:23 - Canada

Today, I bought a dog to make me feel less lonely. He ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 531
You deserved it 8 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've bought a hippo. They're too lazy to run away.

chewbaccaateme 0

get a cat, see how that works.


Everyone below this comment has a large penis

catrav77 0


17- it takes more than one vote to reject an fml

holymolybro 0
sensoon15 7

9- actually had to think about this one...are you saying from a boner? (referring to #1's pic)

cesfire 0
cesfire 0

Suddenly, all the girls below 9's comment are male.

We_Li_Ve_Fr_Ee 0

I just commented so I can feel better about myself. FYL OP.

sensoon15 7

weird...all comments are gone

We_Li_Ve_Fr_Ee 0

My hopes and dreams were just crushed; curse you comment deleting admins.):

Alwayspullout 7

ever heard of get some ******* friends?

Hey when God gives you lemons, you find a new God!

Fiskerz 0

it probably didn't like you

cherrypieguy 0

This sucks, ?

12Tonja15 0

Like really!!!!!! I totally had to like this one

btnhdude 0

114, when life gives you lemons, you paint that shit gold. that's from Atmosphere.

eh srry for u be sad becuz u dog leve u srry I am Russian not be america

RouletteRed 6

You should always make sure you have an eye on a newly bought dog. No matter what, they just think of you as someone new and are likely to run away. Keep the dog in or on a leash for a while until he/she knows that he/she is part of the family. Even still it could run away, so just make sure you always take precautions etc. Hope this helped out for the future.

162 - When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Pballing420 0
leadrunner751 3

get your dog really fat next time, or get like a hamster

chewbaccaateme 0

get a cat, see how that works.

johnson94 5

yuh.. treat dat pussy right and it will never run away..

tylersign 11

I have a feeling that the cat would find a way out too..

sensoon15 7

maybe the owner is such a horrible person that any animal or person can't stand to be near them. or they're just a reallllyyyy boring person, in that case, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT OP!

atomicbaboon 0

ya know what this calls for... Pet Rock!

tsim_fml 0

90 - i dont think he heard u, chewbacca ate him

zendaddy0 0

dude cats suck dog: I get fed and played with all day I must be in heaven / cat: I get fed and played with all day I must be a god

chewbaccaateme 0

for reference, my retarded friend asked one day if he would like him to create a FML account for myself, the name was not my decision, unfortunately. the pic was all me tho.

KayleighRenee 0

get a hamster. it won't be able to escape as it will be in a cage.

heathersmorin 0

my hamster escaped from it's caged ALLLL the time!!!! Then I had to lock that shit down like a prison. Hasn't gotten out since.

Don't worry the dog is fine. My belly is nice and comfortable.

Yeah. OP's dog was name Bethoven. He's very successful without OP.

I realy don't care about the person who wrote the FML I'm worried about the dog 

I realy don't care about the person who wrote the FML I'm worried about the dog 

Woahh both your comments are the same number!! O.o

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

183: Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not magic. There's a comment bug.

You should've bought a hippo. They're too lazy to run away.

TheSnakeDoctor20 17
TaylorTotsYumm 10

82- ooh good thinking! that would actually come in handy ^_^

We_Li_Ve_Fr_Ee 0

A tad late, but I'm gonna say it anyway "C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER."

KiddNYC1O 20
omg_a_BALLOON 0

let's start a combo breaker combo so no one could break it. C-c-c-combo breaker!!

lonewolf6613 4

nice job 113! better late than never :)

What about a catfish named Platypus who moves like a sloth who has a rock with a picture of a drug dealing monkey on it? / :D

Badtz_maru_fml 0
xMexicanXJesusx 0

First the monkey, now my hat. This day couldn't get any worse.

I still don't get why it is legal to purchase an animal but not to purchase a human...

Gondile 4
KingCeltic77 18

Or a horse named Sarah Jessica Parker.

82 - How would it get the drugs though if it can't escape every once in a while (cause of it got outside once it would see a chance at a better life with someone else and run away) sorry for destroying any dreams out there.

I'm sure OP will find. way for said pet rock or Chia Pet to run away...

soulfulemo 0

why would someone need to buy a rock....all you gotta do is look for one...possibly, I dunno, outside??

True enough..OP can come to my garden and get

NastyNinja31 0

u want op to "get some" out of ur garden!?

lonewolf6613 4

there's rocks outside!? what!? :) let's see how many haters I get because of this :)

Op can get his rocks off in her garden?

beachchick9498 5
beachchick9498 5

I feel ya bro! or sis...that's happened to me before

beachchick9498 5

I feel ya bro! or sis...that's happened to me before

get a smaller pet, turtle or guinea pig maybe? :)

sensoon15 7

maybe OP will lose the smaller pet. they can crawl away easier. I suggest to buy an elephant, you can always find them if they run away.

No, op should get a turtle. Turtles can't run. :D

crazysasha123 0