By Zolesz96 - 30/08/2011 16:39 - Hungary

By Zolesz96 - 30/08/2011 16:39 - Hungary
It was a bit of awkward. The girl was a twenty-something and her boyfriend was over thirty. Jó látni a magyar kommenteket.
I don't see why people feel it is okay for someone to jump to a conclusion and slap a person.
Now slap the boyfriend
I give the boyfriend +5 points for his great strategy.
Should have made a 'deposit' and then claimed you thought it was a sperm bank.
Agreed. Most of the time, its women. Like wtf? Who brought you up like that you violent bitch?
I dont think it'd be legal at that point
First rate AND comment
No your the 2nd comment hun, better luck next time.
enonymous! Where have you been, Missy?
Her boyfriend is smart (;
If he grabbed her ass after being slapped, it would count as self-defence and karma :D
Should have asked for a free grab, you got slapped for it.
Would be funny if this were the same dude from the video store. Where's a security monitor when you need one?
Wait what...?
11-Obviously you're not a pro FML reader.
Dude. I read FML's everyday and I don't miss any. So. Why do I not know about this video store FML?
You don't know about it cause you didn't read it. It's the 28th most recent FML at the moment.
Press charges.
Fail troll.
dumb people like him are the reason i just read about a lawsuit about a nurse suing for physical assault over someone tapping her shoulder.
27 - You don't see the difference between tapping someone on the shoulder and hitting them in the face?
It's trolling cause he's faking the lawsuit-obsessed American stereotype and trying to start a flame war. It's kinda obvious.
Just act cool n tell her it wasn't u and she owes u for slapping u
Is writing the word you too hard for "u"?
You totally deserved it.
Re-read the FML again buddy... He didn't do anything.
Okay, for every 4 year old that utilizes FML, I'm joking ;)
Suppose is suppose to have a D.
LuhGiiit has no U's or H's
52 - I modeled my comment after your comment.. 53 - No one asked you, and I do not believe it's spelled "Slim Shadey" either..
thats why your wrong duck
Slim Shady.
I'm pretty sure a 4 year old could've came up with a better "joke".
Would you like to be that 4 year old? I said I was joking, not that I was telling a joke..
67 - Why did you decide to enter a spelling conversation when you can't even spell "you're" correctly? Just a thought..
This guy's a fighter, folks! Hold him down!
Can you guys shut up it's FML who the **** cares about spelling
You got ownd dude!
Grab his ass and see where it leads
I did that when I was a little kid and my dad got slapped in the face. lol true story