By iAMloud - 19/03/2011 02:29 - United States
Same thing different taste
Wedding dress
By Anonymous - 24/01/2020 20:00 - Netherlands
By annonymous - 28/02/2010 06:31 - France
By Upside-Down Sleeper. - 02/05/2015 21:59 - United States - Pasadena
By Anonymous - 02/05/2013 06:29 - United States
By jelrid - 13/07/2016 04:38 - United States - Holt
By buttercup92 - 31/05/2016 03:45 - United States - San Antonio
By Knaxer - 12/12/2015 17:22 - United States - Silver Spring
By funnnyyyyy -_- - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Nepal - Kathmandu
Safety first
By phlyingphuck - 31/08/2009 12:44 - United States
By Nearly Crashed - 27/05/2013 13:42 - United States - Lake Hiawatha
Top comments
no you
Yeah, it's just practice for when your face gets cummed all over AFTER prom. Why would you practice with bugs? YDI.
their prom is ways to early. last year my prom was in late June! The Prom pics must be hilariouss
doesn't sound like there are too many people to yell and scream out the window to in a swamp area. probably didn't win kingqueen either. unless it was a redneck prom
151- If you don't know, don't ask.
exactly... only in America!
**** you 20
20, you're a dumbshit. only in Australia!
Except it says America.. too bad for you
Well.. it was a swamp covered area. What did you expect?
Smart move.
I hit YDI as soon as I read "just like they do in the movies".
thats why you question movies, tard
I hope you didnt go to prom looking like a swamp lady
that confused me a bit, too
Perhaps not filled was the correct description, but if she caked on enough makeup she could get bugs stuck to her face.....yuck.
Um...I can understand how your hair and mouth can be filled with bugs. I do not, however, understand how your makeup can be filled with bugs. Please, do explain....
It probably got stuck in her mascara.
is that your baby
That blanket around your baby is almost like the one I had when I was a baby! :D (random)
^^ win^^
imagine how many guys will ask you to dance!
well that was a stupid thing to do :|

Well.. it was a swamp covered area. What did you expect?