By iAMloud - 19/03/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, I was riding to a prom with my friends in the middle of a swamp-covered area. I stuck my head out the top and screamed like they do in the movies. My hair, makeup, and mouth were quickly filled with bugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 479
You deserved it 67 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.. it was a swamp covered area. What did you expect?


rallets 22

get a towel.. but check for bugs

MrBoredGuy 1

yeah, you look like you get bugs in your makeup

Yeah, it's just practice for when your face gets cummed all over AFTER prom. Why would you practice with bugs? YDI.

their prom is ways to early. last year my prom was in late June! The Prom pics must be hilariouss

doesn't sound like there are too many people to yell and scream out the window to in a swamp area. probably didn't win kingqueen either. unless it was a redneck prom

ImaMonsterRawr 0

I wanna know why she was going through a swamp to get to prom?!

rudegirlmania 10

people do live in places like that, you know >_< but it sounded like she was just driving THROUGH the swamp, not IN the swamp...much safer to drive through it on a road than in it xDD

wiggs5 0

haha 62 would say that.. :)

sammy92 0

151- If you don't know, don't ask.

sammy92 0

buahaha Ik. just wanted to c if he would man up and awnser lol

I hope you didnt go to prom looking like a swamp lady

Perhaps not filled was the correct description, but if she caked on enough makeup she could get bugs stuck to her face.....yuck.

Acousticpixie14 6

Um...I can understand how your hair and mouth can be filled with bugs. I do not, however, understand how your makeup can be filled with bugs. Please, do explain....

choirnerd9 0

She used WAY too much makeup.

It probably got stuck in her mascara.

Acousticpixie14 6

Yep that's my little boy the day after he was born [:

That blanket around your baby is almost like the one I had when I was a baby! :D (random)

Acousticpixie14 6

Haha yeah...most hospitals have the same blankets :P