By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 16:57 - United States
Same thing different taste
By MCRxforever - 17/06/2010 22:56 - United States
By Mr. Shawzy - 14/01/2009 13:09 - Canada
Uggos R us
By british_babe - 05/10/2013 17:51 - United Kingdom - London
By x0SoReckless0x - 16/11/2009 11:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/05/2009 10:32 - United States
No uggos
By Anonymous - 01/12/2022 15:00 - United States - Federal Way
By Anonymous - 26/07/2014 15:50 - United States
Bad boy
By PicklesMcRaptor - 25/03/2012 11:59 - United States - Miami
By Youknowwho - 18/01/2009 02:55 - Australia
Thanks guys
By ConfidenceShattered - 07/05/2022 14:00
Top comments
I'm sure they were a bright shade of orange aswell- I'm finding it hard to pinpoint exactly when it became sexy to resemble a ompaloompa dressed as a hooker.- I'm sure your beautiful op and atleast you ad many others still know what actual beauty looks like.
I'd like to hear what you guys think is true beauty. For me, it's a girl who is genuine, enjoys my company, has a beautiful smile, knows how to be loved, and is mentally on par with myself. Attractiveness somewhat doesn't matter to me. I'd be lying however if I said it was out of the equation. As human beings, we can't help ourselves on that front.
Damn 7 as long as those pants are a size to small I'd say your perfect
If there style was ****** up, why do you care what they think?
52 no we know what YOU like. Way to stereotype your sex and make us all look like perverts. There are very attractive girls that have asked me out but I said no merely because they were bitches.
Beauty is only skin deep, those girls teased you to feel better about themselves. At the end of the day, you are who you are and that's all that matters.
#16 i think it started when Jersey Shore was aired.
Ugg boots were invented in Australia... We wear them in the cold winter... They were not meant as a fashion statement
35- there need to be more guys like you out there. Too many shallow jerks in BOTH genders.
You, sir, must not exist...because you are what I look for in a guy, and yet I have not found you. Ergo, you do not exist. By the way, thanks for being you :)
109- no doubt!
Haha thanks 13FTW. Reason I'm a douche bag, is if people say vapid, insipid shit on here, I argue with them until they delete their account(happened three times so far).
i agree
Today's headline: Pomeranians are indeed viscous little bitches. Back to you Brick
Kayman- U look like u could be my English teacher's brother or something... Don't worry he's in his late 20's, u guys just look a lot alike.
You are my hero.
Kayman true beauty is found when you see a girl before she puts on her make up and all the clothes. It is found when you first see a girl on the weekend she is staying at home in her warm clothes and a blanket. It is found when you are sitting with the one you love above all others
Fashion sense much? Wow!
Maybe we all have terrible fashion senses, and they're the only ones that have a great fashion sense!
Were any of them a Eskimo by any chance?
Oh my gosh! Your the ugly guy me and Brittany were telling off! Umph * flips hair. Uggs and big vest are in this year!
And now your life I'd f***ed because of what thee said?
I have used this before! win! and OP. even if they were beautiful, the fact that they would start on you shows how truly ugly they are really. uggs are gross. if it's got a name, they wear it, even if it makes them look like twats. oh and I love how they would never say it on their own. silly little girls. I'm 19 and would never ever think to say something like that. or hang out in a group of people wearing uggs, but that's another matter! You're beautiful OP! :)
You know why they call them uggs? Because they're so uggly.
I see what you did there. Ha
I wants tried some uggs... They were so freaking comfy I just wanted to snuggle with them... Best day of my life
They aren't usually meant for fashion they're fir ******* warmth, ever tried a pair.? While your feet freeze in your wool socks ours are all cozy in the uggs. Try em.! :)
Yeah, because we hate Uggs we're poor? Can't afford them. Get the **** over yourself. I'm not jealous of your ugly ass boots.
No 31 it's because uggs were meant for male surfers after they get out of freezing waters to help warm then but thats as far as they should go not for fashion they over priced uggly ass boots whether worn with pants shorts or skirts they are UGGLY. An no I can afford then easily no problem there I just know that they're uggly.
everyone has their own opinion. some dont like them and some do, i happen to love them, really comfy !
97, since when did they kill the sheep to get its wool?? Also, you don't own 1 PAIR of shoes made of leather??
So true!
They are soooooooooooooooo comfy. I like the slippers. They also have many varieties besides the classic ones. Some are pretty cool.
112 your very stupid, I give up on our education system because it has cleared failed you. :( They don't kill the sheep they shave off the wool.
wow, i soopo wanna be bffs with u
*facepalm @112 do you know how many thousands of uggs are mass produced daily? You think the company would choose real sheepskin when fake fur would be easier to make, much cheaper, and doesn't kill any animals? I'm a guy and i know these things
I love my uggs, but my aunt buys them for me cuz she's super rich. You just gotta love those rich aunts!!! (???)
That's not true do you're research you will see uggs are made of sheep skin and there fur. An ugg is pretty much a sheep inside out.
Uggs arnt ugly moron ur just jelous they have uggs and ur to poor to buy some.cough i have 3pairs cough
hey! i know doctor who! i watch it sometimes. okay bye.
Uh 229 a couple of things 1. Learn to ******* spell bitch 2. I hate uggs so I am too poor to buy them? Bitch please I have 10 pairs of limited edition converse plus loads of ordinary ones
And you look like a fag with those glasses on..
Excuse me don't call people fags. How rude. Douche is the word you're looking for.
they are the best boots EVER! I wear mine EVERY single day in the winter! they actually aren't ugly at all. they go good with just about everything :)
whoops! wrong comment :s sorryz
Welcome to my life.
What is this? A pity party?
No, this is FML Lol you could say this about every FML posted. Good job ... Herp a derp derp
screw those idiots!!! people put others down to make themselves feel better.
Honestly don't even let it bother you. Bitches like that think they're better than they actually are. But the reason that they get guys is that their legs are open 24/7 like a mcdonald's drive-thru.
I wish our McDonald's was open 24/7, damn!
You're missing out
That's when you run them over, right? or did you cuss at them, right? Did you do something to them?????? Anything?????????? Nothing????????????????

People these days don't understand true beauty…
Well tell them that, and to stop looking like they got gang banged by Crayola.