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By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 16:57 - United States

Today, I was called ugly and viciously ridiculed by a couple of teenage girls. They were wearing uggs and vests that made them look like a freak-show of bleached pomeranians. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 938
You deserved it 3 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnaBanana1918 7

People these days don't understand true beauty…

saIty 17

Well tell them that, and to stop looking like they got gang banged by Crayola.


kay729 7

If they were really that awful themselves you shouldn't care

Ugs are ugly lol kids these days are stupid

hateevryone 14

i hate girls that talk about other people. It just means that they problems within themselves.

LOL! Sure the girls were very judgmental in the way they treated OP. But I just have to love the comments here calling the girls jealous, insecure, ugly, bitchy, conformist ******, who are probably overly tanned with no fashion sense, and that they'll grow up to be overly botoxed lonely cat ladies with psychological issues. You sure showed those judgmental girls, people of FML!

Lil_Red777 21

Um wow that whole sentence "like" totally sounds uneducated(:

127- Typical. I wouldn't expect anything more from someone that would stick up for the **** teens in OP's comment. Great, your generation will be taking care of my generation one day. I may as well just kill myself now. Awesome. Thanks for ruining my day.

Uggs are footwear for massively lazy people. Ignore their high-maintenance, image-concious fake asses.

That, my friends is what you call a chav in England.

makenziie 0

Pot calling the kettle black? It sounds like your no better than them, criticizing what they're wearing. Not every girl with a sense of fashion should be stereotyped as a bitch. think about it (: