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By Anonymous - 26/07/2014 15:50 - United States

Today, I went to the mall. A little girl was walking around and telling everyone that they were pretty. When she got to me, she gave me a disgusted look and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 564
You deserved it 4 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's young, don't let it get to you OP

isn't she just a ray of ******* sunshine!


She's young, don't let it get to you OP

Roskosity 22

Right. But isn't there some proverb about the honest youth?

ColonelCusswords 24

kids are like little alcoholics; theyll tell you exactly what they think

So what do alcoholic children tell? Mega exactly what they think?

ColonelCusswords 24

#42 nope someone would call social services

VengeanceChicken 12
Inediblepeaches 15

Children are like drunken dwarves: tiny and blatantly honest.

That's exactly the problem: she's young

isn't she just a ray of ******* sunshine!

I read somewhere that thanks to nature, men find attractive women to have better personalities and that employers will subconsciously prefer more attractive candidates...

ChristianH39 30

Yea iirc that's a cognitive bias called the halo effect. It says something to the effect that we're more likely to think positively (in terms of their intelligence, likability, etc.) about an attractive person.

personality is something for ugly people to make themselves feel better. just sayin :] xo

ChristianH39 30

You should keep in mind that beauty always fades, one day you'll be old and your personality will be all you have. Shallow people like you will be SOL :)

@37 - The hope is that they'll be too far gone to understand how boring they are, or conversely become so far gone that they actually become interesting as a byproduct. In theory, beautiful people have it all because age distorts everything.

Also, studies show that parents subconsciously treat their more attractive children better. :(

Man, that sucks. Sorry OP. Kids are cold-blooded.

Well, the kid didn't say anything. If she had said something not nice it would be different.