By Kayla_Zee_Ninja - 08/03/2012 04:06 - United States
Kayla_Zee_Ninja tells us more.
Honest: I talk to myself every ******* way there is, accents, in corners, movie theaters, school, friends house, sometimes I make scenarios and yeah... But honest: every argument I'm in I never win! XD
Top comments
At least you won the debate.......
You may be slowly going insane bud!
OP was contemplating about whether to contemplate about contemplating. It is Contemception. Sounds like a contraceptive to me.
Haha, this is how I study.. It's F'd up but I sit in front of a mirror and pretend I'm "teaching" a lecture. Hearing and seeing myself, works all the areas of my brain. Works for me anyways. And personally OP I think its healthy for people to talk to themselves.. Unless however.. you start sitting in a dark corner, laughing at your own jokes. Then I'd feel concerned. =P
Nothing wrong with talking to yourself op. I talk to myself all the time especially, while I'm using public transport. No one ever sits next to me. I wonder why.....
Check for hair on the palm of your hand ;) lol
32 That's genius!
Well feel concern because i do that a lot.... XD
Some times it helps to talk to yourself, say in the event of having to answer potential questions, or if you are concerned whether an idea is good or not. If it doesn't sound right coming from your mouth, you will be glad that you confronted the question, eliminated the inappropriate response, and perhaps narrow down more acceptable alternatives. Besides, it's a really good way to keep people you don't like from bothering you!
92 - you might judge you.
Looks like you found your answer!
Forever a Clone?
Obviously his?
30 How ever did you figure that one out
"KAYLA_zee_ninja"? Idk man. I don't know many guys named Kayla... :P
Actually to be honest... I was on "I don't talk to myself" oh the irony....
your bio made me cry.
Its ok as long as you don't answer yourself. :)
OP said she was debating with herself. Therefore she was presenting arguments and answering her own questions. Or do I need to tell you the definition of "debate" aswell?
SO DID YOUR FACE! hahahaha!!!! No? Okay. *crawls back under rock*
Why are you under my rock? Get your own! I stole it first.
Its big enough for us both to share :)
Sounds like you're a masterdebator. They say sometimes it's best when you're by yourself.
Damn it. I didn't see your conment you beat me to the pun.

At least you won the debate.......
Who's side were you on? :p