By Brianna Weltmire - 08/04/2012 05:13 - United States - Denver
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 20/08/2010 23:22 - United States
By Noname - 14/03/2009 18:22 - United States
By unacceptable - 04/06/2012 15:02 - Australia
Without me
By CrescentSelene - 23/12/2019 20:00 - Canada - Edmonton
By Anonymous - 29/11/2013 08:23 - United States - Portland
By nybaby - 29/11/2010 21:17 - United States
By msarosi - 28/04/2013 10:28 - Canada - Port Perry
By Anonymous - 11/02/2014 16:09 - United States - Syracuse
By SadFace - 21/02/2013 13:04 - Singapore - Singapore
Content warning
By imblue42 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States
Top comments
Oh god... Ask your mom to remove the picture!
I ignored my mom's facebook request because I'M A SOULLESS BASTARD...but I followed her twitter account, because I'm a good boy.
Still, it doesn't stop her from posting a picture with that description, even if you're not friends with her.
good lord! moms can be out of cobtrol sometimes.
*control. damn>_
OP, what you have to do now is very simple: Step 1: Microsoft Paint. Step 2: Crop zit out. Step 3: Get mom's picture. Step 4: Clone zit as many times as you want. Step 5: Edit the zits onto mom's face. Step 6: Blackmail. Step 7: Problem solved.
I avoided my mom's request for about two months, an she kept bugging me about it. I was like "we live in the same house why must I add you." >.< and then she guilted me into doing it. It's ok because eventually you'll realize how dumb facebook is and never go on it again. Hopefully.
Omgg thats embarrassing :( moms r all the same *sigh* ;P
#46...Good one. Seriously though, it definitely produced a chuckle.
#46...Good one. Seriously though, it definitely produced a chuckle.
Poor Meg.
Thank God my mom doesn't have a facebook. She would kill me even if she sees me talk to guys. :s she is too strict, and i am 19!
unmature moma .
That was disintelligent of you, 2.
i didn't know it was possible to biff the spelling so bad on 2 basic words, impressive #2
Jezus, diddnt u eva gett a Ed-you-ma-k-tion??
How does that make her immature? She's a mom. Embarrassing kids is what they do. Now go get a second grade eduction. Thanks in advance.
Damming must be a nice camera if the image can get that blown up... Unless of course you took a close up shot of your own zit then ydi
Mom is everyone's biggest fear on Facebook, you just never know when she's going to embarrass you.
I am glad my mom doesn't use facebook except to download the pictures of the kids I post on it. If she sent me a friend request, I would deny it.
Ick, I've heard of mothers overreacting on a lot of small (big? According to this FML) things, but this one takes the cake. D: FYL for sure. Keep the cameras away from her.
As well as computers, cell phones, and contact with anyone you know who's not family
READ. It says that it was a very zoomed in picture of his/her zit. Implying it was a blown-up image from a normal photo. Sorry to be such a rude asshole, but, seriously, read carefully before posting something stupid.
18 said "Sorry to be such a rude asshole" not "you're an asshole" omg read everything twice!
Not anymore #25
25 - I don't even know what to say to you. I tell you to read more carefully. What happens? You don't pay any attention and start spouting more bullshit. If it wasn't for the two people commenting after you, I wouldn't want to live on this planet anymore.
So. You make a stupid statement, I correct you, you make another stupid statement, which you should not have made if you had read my first statement, I point that out, harshly, I'll give you that, and you're out of ideas so you attack me on my age. Wow, you're such a smart and tough internet guy. I bow down and kiss your boots, and the rest of the FML community doubtlessly does the same. You're actually so intelligent, so clever and so badass that I'll hide in a corner. Careful, FMLers, we got a badass over there.
atleast your mom didnt add all your friends and then start sharing embarrassing baby photos....damn it mom :(
cool story bro! now quit bitching & stop stealing op's thunder. this is op's fml!!!
48 ~ He was just telling people that. He wasn't trying to "steal her thunder," leave him alone.
Wow, that's so rude and disrespectful. I'd say untag yourself, and then demand she deletes the photo!

Oh god... Ask your mom to remove the picture!
Mom is everyone's biggest fear on Facebook, you just never know when she's going to embarrass you.