By unacceptable - 04/06/2012 15:02 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 20/08/2010 23:22 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/11/2013 08:23 - United States - Portland
By ColoredPencil13 - 10/05/2014 13:35 - United States - Baytown
By Anonymous - 11/02/2014 16:09 - United States - Syracuse
By Brianna Weltmire - 08/04/2012 05:13 - United States - Denver
By Anonymous - 26/06/2011 20:25 - United States
Now you know
By Anonymous - 21/09/2023 04:00 - United States - Warren
By rosmaizura - 01/10/2010 07:39 - Malaysia
By kbeavv - 11/02/2010 17:09 - United States
By married - 16/10/2010 12:31 - United States
Top comments
I hate when people say that haha
At least OP can untag herself!
Stop getting so anal about it and just untag yourself.
Haha... Anal.
In hindsight, that may have been a great idea.
Maybe we should just put this behind us?
There's always more junk in the trunk with these kind of jokes.
By your name, I'm assuming this behavior is unacceptable?
You got tagged in it too!?
Just ass her to untag you. Butt, if she doesn't, you arse so screwed.
I don't think I would be laughing if my parents did something like that.
That wouldve been funnier if you had the good sir meme as your profile pic
I also learned the hard way not to add my mom on Facebook.
Ya know, FB was created for college kids (ONLY) about 7 years ago. Theoretically, a woman could have had a kid between 3-6 years old while she was in school then, created an account and now her kid also has one. Technically, the mother is more entitled to the account than her kid. Just because they're parents doesn't mean they can't have lives of their own.
Only my mum and my cats are friends with me on Facebook. In 'real life', it is just my cats.
K, first of all 84, #4 never said that moms can't have Facebook, just that it's not the best idea to ADD your mom on Facebook. And second, everyone is intiteld to have Facebook, as long as they're of age. When it WAS made and who is was ORIGINALLY made for is irrelevant.
84- thanks tips but i dont think you get the point.
Unless you're Adam Sandler.
When a parent has a Facebook you know it won't end well...
Nice generalizations to the both of you...
Parents/adults should stay off Facebook…or at least not frequently connect with the younger generation through it (for each side's sake). But that just me.
Originally, only college students could be on Facebook. You had to have a university e-mail.
Until they realized that snotty college students dont exactly = money . So welcome to the big world of corporation kids. Facebook shares hahahahahahaha
Yeah, we'll there's also 25 year olds doing the same. We could do this all day. What exactly is your point?
Ugh, well*. I meant well, not we'll. Autocorrect does this on purpose sometimes.
While I will agree that parents should not do anything on Facebook to embarrass their kids I hate it when people say they should not be on it. I have friends literally all across the country I grew up with and went to college with. If it were not for Facebook we would not be able to communicate even half as much as we do. For older people we are able to speak with old friends if we did not have it. So maybe parents without common courtesy should be the only ones not allowed on Facebook.
That was just a suggestion but it serves a good point. I think that if you have had Facebook for a while and know how it works and what to post and what not, than it's ok to have it but I have noticed that more people over the age of 45 have made some serious errors while trying to use Facebook. I'm not trying to insult anyone about age or use, but it's just something I've seen happen a few times.
And that comment was for 49.
The original facebookers just grew older.
#34 - I wish I knew how. The digital world has me in it's cyber grasp. Yet you are commenting on an online site ;)
If added, teach them how to send private messages.

It's not official till its Facebook official.
When a parent has a Facebook you know it won't end well...