By SkeetinKeaton - 05/06/2013 15:24 - United States
Same thing different taste
By tryfailtryget11 - 05/09/2009 04:23 - United States
New revelation
By Anonymous - 12/01/2020 18:00
By adopteddd - 28/06/2011 14:30 - United Kingdom
By Thebestman123 - 05/08/2011 02:45 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/04/2017 08:00 - United States - Philadelphia
Great talk, Dad
By Anonymous - 28/08/2019 14:00 - Australia - Sydney
By Lyn - 06/07/2012 22:14 - France
By Anonymous - 01/06/2022 10:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/08/2009 12:02 - Singapore
By not gay in AL - 11/05/2014 17:57 - United States
Top comments
How insensitive. Sorry you had to listen to that.
Don't listen to it OP it's not true ! They wouldn't have adopted you if they didn't want a child to love. Keep your head up doll
Actually op should've had a comeback! Like:" the reason why my mother married you was because we needed another spender in our family! Money come first, step dad!" -> even though i hate the idea of saying it but assholes like that step-father should be kicked in the nuts
I think I'm the only one who thinks that OP deserved it. I'm sorry but if he told his step dad what he thought of him, it probably wasn't a good thing, and most likely elicited that snap response. I try to ere on the side of caution, but I really think that people treating OP as a Saint is just a failure. Yes, cater to his emotions, because step dads have none...
The step-dad most likely deserved whatever OP said to him.
How insensitive of OP. I feel sorry for the step-father.
@115 how could OP deserve such a thing?! telling someone, regardless of age, that they aren't loved is really devastating!
he can't know that and besides you don't need to listen to people who tell you those kind of things!
Please tell me how you came up with the idea he can't know that, because if he is the step father I would think that's an important factor to tell before they got married.
Oh ignore this comment I thought they were referring to the adopted part
Even if it was common knowledge that's an extremely dickish thing to say.

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Show it anywayyou should change your picture, attention *****
Nice stomach, douchebag.
I'm sorry but most adults I know are more immature than a 5 year old . Just because they are 18 and older doesn't mean they deserve to be respected.
Pauschinator - While I admire your respect towards your elders, not all elders deserve such respect. This stepfather seems to be one of them. Oh, and pull your damned shirt down in your profile pic, son. No one wants to see that.
Da fuq was he thinking? That's almost as bad as a full cleavage/duck face shot by a chick saying "I hate it when people don't take me seriously"
3, When adults are respectful they deserve to be respected, just like any other person on the planet regardless of age. But as someone who was verbally abused by a step-parent for years, I know that adults sometimes need someone to tell them that their behavior is wrong and unfair. Telling the step-parent exactly how they felt seems perfectly acceptable in this situation, especially since the step-father responded in the way he did.
Considering how much your post makes me want to slam my head on a dictionary and then cradle it for salience, I think your mom's ex boyfriend was in the right.
Gina, who let you back on the computer?
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Show it anywayKissing an adult's ass isn't always the way to go...
Most adults I know don't even have the intelligence to match their confidence. They approach ME looking for a debate, to which I oblige, which I usually end up getting a suspension for because apparently they have no clue what the ekpyrotic theory is nor do they know the basis for the evidence of evolution and quantum physics. Adults don't automatically deserve to be respected. Only the respectful should be respected.
Being an adult doesn't automatically make you right all the time.
So OP's stepfather's an asshole and you don't think she/he should stand up for him/herself? That's bullshit. At least they had the balls to stand up to their stepfather! I think you'd change your tune if you were in a situation like OP's, number 3. And f**k you for acting like adults are perfect and deserve absolute respect. If you give respect, you get respect. That's just the way it goes. A lot of adults today are too illiterate to even have a logical conversation or reason with. Also, put a shirt on, good grief.
Apparently this man treated her like an asshole, because no nice or well behaved person would say that. I'm all for respecting your elders, but only when they respect you. There is no way I'm going to hide or deny my feelings because someone is older than me. If this person felt some type of way, then she had a right to express it because he is not her father, and he shouldn't get away with treating her like shit. I hope he left her life too, because she doesn't need that at all. Oh, and you're an asshat.
You obviously have parents who loved you. You were special enough that you were chosen to be their child.
#88 I have to agree with you, but I believe that sometimes you can't escape your DNA no matter who raised you.
Some times kids are put up for adoption because the parents can't support them so they have a better life.
You need a license to drive a car. You need a license to own a dog. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father.
And let him know his parents never loved him.
"Welll... Um... Your parents never loved you either!" *runs to room to go cry* Not a very smooth come back imo.
Go Doctor Who! :D (I love David Tennant :3)
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Show it anywayIt all really depends on how OP let their voice be heard. Two wrongs don't make a right and in this case, three wrongs.
You don't frighten us (insert stepfathers nationality) pig dogs. Go boil your bottoms, you sons of silly person, I blow my nose at you so called step father.
And I fart in your general direction!
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Show it anywayWhat an awful thing to say! This guys deserves to get his nuts kicked.

How insensitive. Sorry you had to listen to that.
You obviously have parents who loved you. You were special enough that you were chosen to be their child.