By dadyoureacunt - 21/09/2013 13:10 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my dad made a big show of sending me to my room and grounding me for a week. Not because he heard me cursing at my video game, but because I "swear like a little girl" and it embarrassed him in front of his friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 517
You deserved it 7 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gosh. Dang it, OP. What the heck were you thinking? You must have sounded like an effin ice hole. Son of a mother trucker.


The best time to wear a striped sweater, is all the time. One with a collar - turtle neck! That's the kind.

Grounding a gamer - heaven on earth for one week without the restriction of knowing you could be doing other more important things in life!

Gosh. Dang it, OP. What the heck were you thinking? You must have sounded like an effin ice hole. Son of a mother trucker.

I know right?! That is so fudgin' ridiculous. Then this son of a female dog, decides to ground me? Well cluck you too!!

xivoricbutterfly 25
rockne93 17

I guess the only thing you can do is swear like a sailor?

..And what the **** is that suppose to mean?!

football98_fml 20

get one of those voice-changing microphones...

...because you sound more manly when you cuss like a little girl with a deep voice...

And the voice changing microphone would only make the other people he's gaming with hear his voice differently, not his dad and his dad's friends who are over.

Espolax 8

Just wait until you curse "like a man" and u get grounded for cursing

shaww 28


Did you cry and yell "FIDDLESTICKS!" then storm off to your room?

Let me called the other player a "jerk" instead of calling him a "**** sucking motherfucking shitfuck" huh?

I pictured you saying "Son of a diddly!" in a Flanders voice.