By Anonymous - 02/11/2013 20:23 - Ireland

Today, my boyfriend left me for another girl. My dad's reaction to the news and my tears was to say, "Aww. Gonna write a song about it, Taylor Swift?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 996
You deserved it 8 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You see, when your 15 and somebody tells they love you, your gonna beleive them. So be positive, and when he comes crawling back just say we are never, ever, EVER! getting back together.


MichellinMan 20

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in!" *goat screams*

"Yo dad you're really funny and I'mma let you finish, but this is the worst break up of all time. OF ALL TIME"

'Bitch imma let you finish in a minute, yeah that was rap was right, but I'm about to spit the greatest verse of all time...'

omgitsmoe 26

Someone's gonna make a fortune

I love how OP lives in Ireland. Something about the fact that Taylor Swift jokes exist in Ireland is very pleasing to me.

olpally 32

Wow!!! What an asshole thing to say!! :/ that's insulting you and your intelligence. I'm sure you're wonderful the way you are op.

How does this have anything to do with her intelligence?

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Because intelligent people obviously don't cry. Instead they go build a time machine and reverse the situation so they never got sad in the first place! I've tried doing that, but when my time machine doesn't work I end up crying anyway.. One day I'll get it working.. One day..

#38 I got my time machine working, but it only moves forward at regular speed. It is essentially a box that reeks of urine with the words "time" and "machine" written on it with sharpie, but I like to think it still qualifies as a time machine.

McFeelii, you should use your time machine to go back in time before you failed in building your time... Ohhh.

I want to know what this has been down voted so much?

The_Tenth_Doctor 14
incoherentrmblr 21

#45, I've got a time machine too. Unfortunately it tops out at 88mph and needs 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity to run. It was once nuclear, but now it runs off of trash, and it flies too...

If the tenth doctor says the Taylor swift is dumb, Taylor swift is dumb, his word is law!

rebellionwars 11

I'm sorry op. please remember that there are other fish in the sea and those who give a shit are the ones to talk to. Chin up chicken, you'll find 'the one' when it's time.

Wtf? Why would a chicken look for fish?

"There are other fish in the sea" they said. "The hell there aren't!" -Princess Ariel

It's what my mum used to say to me when I was sad. Quite a used term here. :0)

CrazyGirlfriend 21

Im pretty sure OP wants a man...not a fish... fish are freaking creepy!

I'm sure he just meant it as a joke OP, but that was insensitive.

Yo just to piss him off you should write a song but make it a Damn good song.

Well if you can write q song like Taylor swift you could make at least make a lit of money! :)

Pwn17 25

A little of money? I think you mean a little money/a lot of money.

Or maybe they just meant a little money instead of "lit of".

Or maybe 5 meant little considering she corrected herself

You see, when your 15 and somebody tells they love you, your gonna beleive them. So be positive, and when he comes crawling back just say we are never, ever, EVER! getting back together.

*You're *You're Jesus ******* Christ people, it's not rocket science.

sarahbevan20 11

I would just like to add *believe Ok im satisfied

OptimusSlime 23

Am I the only one who heard Taylor Swift's voice while reading that?

That was an insensitive thing to say, yet I'll be honest- your dad has a sense of humour :)

LMAO hilarious Dad.. what he meant is.. get ur shit together and Move on

Sorry- I tried to edit my last comment but I ran out of time; so this is what I was trying to say: That was an insensitive thing to say, yet I'll be honest- your dad has a sense of humour :) I'm very sorry to hear that, OP. But you're lucky your not still dating him, you kinda dodged a bullet there.