By Anonymous - 08/08/2015 05:18 - Canada

Today, I witnessed my dad wake himself from a nap with his own fart and start panicking in confusion. I guess I shouldn't have broken down laughing, because he demanded to know what I did to him. He didn't believe the truth and bitched me out for screwing around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 550
You deserved it 2 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would take the bitching just to watch someone farting their way into consciousness... these are the moments we live for

Tell your dad to quit farting around.


MisterKnowItAll 15

He just doesn't want to think he's getting old.

1dvs_bstd 41

hmm, how's that relevant to his age, again? It can happen to anyone regardless of age or gender.

Why were you there to even see what happened? Unless you were screwing around that is.

He could have been in the living room taking his nap on the couch. I don't think my dad has ever taken a nap in his own bed..

Tell your dad to quit farting around.

Well she probably wasn't expecting him to do that.

I would take the bitching just to watch someone farting their way into consciousness... these are the moments we live for

20bricks 28

Fart on him to prove dominance.

I guess farts can be silent and deadly

katydid91 31

This particular fart was clearly not silent but was quite deadly.

The bitching was his way of acknowledging that it was true and him being embarrassed about it. Sorry OP, your dad is just ashamed of himself that that happened.

hes been eating way to many twinkies... twinkies on the brain

katydid91 31

Was this a reference to something? And are you certain that it isn't you that has Twinkies on the brain?