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By Anonymous - 26/01/2019 11:00 - United States - Chicago

Today, in my sleep I let out a couple of farts. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but on this night I had slept in my mom's room. She came to check in on me and violently woke me up because she thought I pooped in the bed. Now my entire family knows I fart in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 132
You deserved it 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

“Now my entire family knows I’m a normal, healthy human being.”

medyas 11

Your mom vastly overreacted. People who don't fart in their sleep don't exist. (better out than in!)


medyas 11

Your mom vastly overreacted. People who don't fart in their sleep don't exist. (better out than in!)

* Shrek is not a licensed healthcare professional.

“Now my entire family knows I’m a normal, healthy human being.”

Do they shun you now? I’m pretty sure everyone farts in their sleep. At least you didn’t puke in her bed (and you’re not engaged to her which would make this story even more Oedipal!)

Everybody farts in their sleep, OP. Even the people in your family! :) My son has a built in butt alarm though. He farts himself awake every morning without fail. Usually he's still half asleep when it happens so isn't fully aware. It's how we know whether he's actually waking up or not. 8.5 years and it's never been wrong! He thinks it's hilarious. So do we!

manb91uk 22

My brother is exactly the same... You could set your watches to his morning butt-cleanse

manb91uk 22

Erm... Everyone farts in their sleep...

Everyone farts in their sleep, op... “Better out than in”

Wth were you doing sleeping in your moms room? Are you 5? Lol

Mungolikecandy 19

Ummm, everyone farts in their sleep...... your farts must of been extra bad. 🤢

You wanna be careful letting them have so much knowledge of your bodily functions. When they find out you breathe, you're screwed.