Dressed for success

By bitchsawmebuyit - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Yorktown Heights

Today, I realized the dress I bought yesterday still had the security tag on. I returned to the store to get it removed, only to realize I'd lost my receipt. The lady at the counter thought I stole it, called security, and had me escorted out, dress-less. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 737
You deserved it 4 784

Same thing different taste


I think arrest-less is ok but she was dress-less! she was nude

Of course she wasn't wearing the dress, I tried a joke and according to the thumbs I failed yet again.

AGhost5445 25
free2speak 14

That's incredibly rude of the sales associate. When I worked at a retail store, we couldn't check customer's bags if the beeper went off unless they explicitly consented to not minding their bag searched. My point is, that we were required to always give the customer benefit of doubt. Maybe there was a security camera? In any case, if it's a chain, contact the customer service and tell them your story. Some companies even reply via Facebook. Hopefully they will not only give you your dress back but also some kind of compensation (gift card/coupon) for the trouble and embarrassment. I'd be extremely mad if this happened to me. You didn't deserve this OP! Edit: didn't mean to thread-jack! Thought I was making a separate comment and accidentally replied to #1.

the_smart_way 10

Don't worry Pradip, you'll get one, one day

jablome 6

I don't know. He's right. All of his comments seem to be thumbed into the negatives. He may want to try his luck as a troll.

winkydog4056 16

#34_I think our dear pradip got soooo excited about a nude woman, he creamed his pants. Trying to make a joke of it, he went soft.

Oops. Read the FML too fast. Sorry OP, I didn't notice you misplaced it. Security cameras?

Thanks! We call him Tang, and cute puppy!

Every commenter here has some type of animal :P

Maybe it symbolizes something.. How caring we are inside, and responsible. And how we like to show off our awesome pets. :)

Is that your car? And hey, everyone is free to comment on FML. It's fun to see what people have to say regardless of whether they fit into what is going on or not.

brittanyrmh_ 12

People apologizing on FML? Admitting their mistakes? Is this some kind of conspiracy?

20, how can Anyone agree with you? You are a filthy liar right?

yeah op made an account just to post this fml

Actually you can choose what your name is when you post.

Really? "Bitch" is a term used exclusively to shame and degrade women - it really shouldn't be used at all.

No it's not. What planet do you live on? You sound like a sexist with a chip on your shoulder, making shit up so you can have an excuse to attack men. Piss off, yeah?

Yeah really hate feminists that go too far like 78.

I agree with 81 and 83, 78 that is just ridiculous, anyways people call guys bitches too so I really don't see the issue here.

At least...no wait, your situation doesn't have positives.

She will remember to put the receipt in a safe place next time?

No, but I bet she found found it once she got home and got dressed. Shit like that always happens to me, lose something until something happened, and after its over... You find it.

Happened to me in hollister but luckly I had my receipt

mbusey 20

76 - what is there in this FML that is in any way, shape, or form positive?

That she will remember to always put the receipt in a safe place? She will have a funny story to tell her kids in 20 years?

It's always good to be optimistic. There's always a silver lining.. I wouldn't go back to a store where the cashier would let me get thrown out, even when she saw me. So now OP knows where not to go clothes shopping. And as someone mentioned above yes.. Keep the receipt close for next time! :-P

You could go again and just have the receipt with you to prove you haven't stolen anything

If its not the same lady they'll think she's trying to get an extra dress for free. And anyway, she's got to find the reciept for that.

I'm hoping OP knows where it was misplaced and can return to them with evidence. I hate the way she was wrongfully accused. With or without the receipt, I'd declare war.

mad_hatter0666 22

I'm sure they have security cameras. They'll more than likely be able to verify what happened.

CammyGal 26

Aw, that blows OP :( I hope you can explain the situation and get the dress back!

Or Op can file a report against her. So that cops make them to view the security tape and then get OP's dress back, plus make them right an apology letter.

DigitalFusion 4

First off, FYL for being in the US. Here in Canada there are laws to protect people from this sort of thing - doesn't mean stupid people might not do this sort of thing, but as loss prevention I can't stop you on mere suspicion. Unless I personally saw you pick that dress up while in the store, I can't touch you. If I was in the security officers position, I would calmly ask you if you could come review the tapes with me - either of you walking in with the dress, or of you purchasing it, or both if possible. If you refused, you'd be free to go. I may ask for contact information, but you don't have to share and I'd review the tapes anyway, contacting either you or the police after seeing the tapes, as necessary. If I touched you or your property as was the case in this FML I could be charged. Because you're in the states, the S/O had the right to detain you on suspicion, and chose to let you go without the merchandise. He didn't do anything illegal, but if you can prove your innocence you could sue the store and involved employees for slander, public humiliation, defamation of character, pretty much anything you can think of. Your justice system is unbelievably open to litigation.

amerikaninfidel 2

That's when you call the police and ask for the manager???

If she's got no proof she'll be wasting their time. All I can't think of it to ask for any security cameras to be checked if they have any dating back to the purchase.

Or she finds the receipt and brings it in for proof. Then demands an apology.

Imagine being a 911 operator and getting that phone call. Operator: 911 what's your emergency? OP: I bought a dress but the security tag was still on. When I came back to have it removed I didn't have the receipt so they took my dress and had me escorted out! Operator: And you'd like the police? OP: Yes. Operator: *facepalm*

amerikaninfidel 2

You don't have to call 911, you can call their general line even just to get a police report started. Also, if she paid with debit/credit card her statements would show a purchase at that location at the cost if the dress.

JoeGrant 12

Make an attempt to find your receipt, and if you paid with credit, print out the credit statement that shows you purchased it. Best of luck OP!

Funny that they didn't give a shit when it beeped when she first bought it. They usually check me if I beep

You should tell them to check security cameras! If they have guards, they should have cameras too. Fyl for sure ):

If you paid with a card and if you bank online you can print out the transaction maybe?