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By exchange - 17/12/2009 05:00 - Ireland

Today, I leave Ireland after a 5 month study abroad. Today also happens to be the day that the price of alcohol decreases by 30%, the dollar increases by 15% and the girl I have been chasing the whole time, to no avail, finally decides to show an interest in me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 057
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hairpastafreckle 0

Isn't there any way you can extend your stay? There's always the possibility of not going back home(:

Oh the irony...... *shakes head in disappointment*. This gives a whole new perspective on 'Murphy's Law'. FYL OP


Hairpastafreckle 0

Isn't there any way you can extend your stay? There's always the possibility of not going back home(:

I agree, your doing it to yourself for not trying harder. Stay, there should be a way. If there is a will there is a way. It's that or you really don't care as much as your saying.

that's actually entirely untrue. if you're in a foreign country on a visa and it says "you must leave by X date," then you best be on a plane on/before that date, or you face deportation. this makes being in a long distance (international) relationship quite difficult. see: my life. haha. but well worth it, rest assured!

not to mention you can get into a lot of trouble if you don't go back home on the scheduled date as they see it as you trying to stay in the country to live.

katiedoll6 7

Were bouts in limeric r ya stayin I'm from Tipperary

that sucks something hard, but i bet if you guys really like each other, you'll find away to see each other again. but about the alcohol thats just tough luck

dwire 0

I don't know what this guy is talking about. I'm studying abroad in Ireland right now and the dollar is only slightly better within the last couple of days. It hasn't increased anywhere near 15%. And the price of alcohol DEFINITELY did NOT decrease. I am in Dublin, where it is exceptionally expensive, so I thought maybe it was in the west of the country. However, I googled "price of alcohol decreasing in Ireland" and google suggested Did you mean "price of alcohol INCREASING in Ireland?" They increase the price of alcohol all the time because Ireland is trying to discourage people from binge drinking with extremely high taxes. This FML is a fail.

Well I m Irish and in the new Budget that was just announced last week the price of alcohol has gone down, bottle of wine down 60c, measures of spirits down 15c and pint s are down 12c

Oh ok so the part of Ireland you live in still sucks then? dosn't mean all of Ireland does bub...

No, you are a fail. Do not attempt to suggest that any FML is not up to par or else you will pay dearly (with free spirits for everyone?).

Sorry now I am from Ireland and the price of a drink has dropped by 12 cent. In no way is that 15%. We did the calculations, for every 42 drinks you buy you get 1 free. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!

All these Ireland "experts" commenting here sound like they've been drinking. None of them can agree, lol!

Or man, aren't you the Mike guy I smoked with couple weeks ago? I'm Richard, I gave you a smoke and you gave me Jameson? :D

Clearly you've already spent too much time over there because your interest in alcohol appears to outweigh your interest in the girl.

No, he's saying worse and worse things happen. If you say "today I died in a car crash and a bird did a poo on me FML" it doesnt sound exciting, because the worse part is over. If you say "today a bird did a poo on me and I died in a car crash FML" it sounds much better

I don't know if it sounds better, I just wonder how you'd be able to tell that story lol!!!

Beel! Sry just felt like posting that...