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By Anonymous - 01/05/2011 05:36 - Reserved

Today, my boyfriend called me as I was getting ready for bed and asked me to pick him up from the bar. Being a loving girlfriend I drive the 45 minutes; when I get there his friend informs me he left about 45 minutes ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 456
You deserved it 5 192

Same thing different taste


It doesn't matter how I see it, but anytime I see or hear "how rude"...I get instant flashbacks of Stephanie on Full House.

Kn0wledge123 21

Next boyfriend please that's not right you deserve someone sooooooo much better **** THAT WASTE!!!

^please, grammar was invented for a reason.

hagenmat000 0

look at his pic, he's a dumbass

littlemissFYL 5

^^ it smells like ..WOOD!

word of advice for you. don't make stupid ******* comments for attention. retard

agsilver 14

take your own advice tech"weed addicted"

now hold on here, no need to be harsh. I'm sure techweed means it in the best way possible.

Prank call status: Success. But seriously though, that was pretty shitty of him.

FYL OP, can't say I'm not slightly amused though as this spinds like something I would have done when younger. I just hope he's sorry!

*tosses donuts in the rain while listening to heavy metal*

please let me know if I'm getting on the wrong side of you Raine!!

so this cryout for attention of fifth should be changed into something a bit more interesting. sirin I'm looking at you :)

Kn0wledge123 21
Hide_Yo_Kids 0

43 did you just moderate yourself?

Kn0wledge123 21

Guys, I was trying to make my comment match #5's username.

He got tempted by the gay bar next door, sorry.

that's not the way the cookie is suppose to crumble..

Not unless it gets soaked in water or milk, then eaten in one bite

BugsBunny1 4

Now iLazy, let's think about this. No matter how you eat it, you will never shit out a cookie whole. That being said, I think it's safe to assume that the cookie will always crumble.

BugsBunny1 4

Now iLazy, let's think about this. No matter how you eat it, you will never shit out a cookie whole. That being said, I think it's safe to assume that the cookie will always crumble.

thebestof1984 0

So much for being a loving girlfriend!

xtacticalswarmx 0

At least you tried. But so much for being the loving girlfriend that you are. I would appreciate if my girlfriend was that way. On another note, why wasn't he with you, or vice versa?

Two people in a relationship don't need to be together all of the time.

xtacticalswarmx 0

....When did this come about? I thought two people in a relationship were ALWAYS supposed to be together? -.- Thank you so much, for pointing out my ignorance.