By x - 05/11/2009 20:42 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By feeling fed up - 25/04/2017 17:00 - United Kingdom - Dundee
The price of love
By broke - 05/05/2009 04:07 - United States
By bertthelamb - 17/02/2009 17:05 - United States
By jgboy - 14/09/2014 15:32 - United States - Franklin Park
Next time, text me instead
By Anonymous - 25/05/2022 06:00
By anonymoose - 30/05/2013 00:39 - Australia - Adelaide
By Voice29 - 26/03/2009 21:11 - United States
You ******* idiot
By Anonymous - 28/04/2018 01:30
By Justus Buhler - 03/03/2017 02:00
By Fml37 - 20/12/2009 05:13 - Canada
Top comments
YDI for skipping class.
there's nothing wrong with the grammar and typing.
#21, that made my day (:
wow fyl op. i dont get why ppl cud do tht to someone...pisses me off -__-. but ydi for skipping classes and spending money. like other ppl commented..high school relationships almost nvr work. :/
Obviously she's not even worth the 65 bucks
Hahaha oh high school romance. YDI for being in a LDR, skipping class, spending that much money on a damn cab, etc.
Ok come on now we all know high school romances aren't worth what they seem to be come on skipping school a girl cant be more than school i know it sucks but in the end school will help you become rich then you can buy love :)
School can also teach you how to use punctuation. (HINT HINT)
you deserve it for being in your senior year and not having a car. no wonder she left you
Not everyone is as spoilt as you.
You totally deserve it. Couldn't the trip have waited until after school? If your girlfriend didn't understand that you graduating high school is a little more important than her, she's a bitch.
I believe that her dating someone else at the same time as him, is what makes her a bitch in this case.
How about "She's a bitch because she was cheating on him?" Christ people, way to miss the point.
Heartily agreed, not worth anything. I feel for you buddy
i Dont understand.. dont parents tell things or jst get a hitch if there girl/boy is cheating?
Ahh to be young and in love. 2 things you ought to know. 1 high school romance won't stand the test of time except in a few rare instances and your grades in HS also don't matter that much either.
Your grade 12 marks do. They are the factor that will determine whether you get into a top notch university, or some second rate community college. however, grade 9 and 10 don't, and grade 11 only a bit. And I know, I know, just because you go to an excellent university doesn't mean that you will get anywhere in life, but at least it gives you a bit more of a shot. Really it all depends on what your willing to put into it (and how many risks you are willing to take). Sorry for getting off track, but my point still stands, its stupid to risk screwing up an important time in your life for someone else.
Now that you know your girlfriend is a *****, you need to get your unit tested thoroughly. You have no idea what else boyfriend #2 is dipping his dick into while you are renting your girlfriend's pussy.
that was quite graphic.
now I procede to remove your balls and award you this ****** *hands a ****** to him* for being a pussy. you kick his ass and call her a ****** ***** and lead on with your life. oh yea... stay in school :

Obviously she's not even worth the 65 bucks
Now that you know your girlfriend is a *****, you need to get your unit tested thoroughly. You have no idea what else boyfriend #2 is dipping his dick into while you are renting your girlfriend's pussy.