By Anonymous - 06/03/2011 00:30 - United States

Today, while sleeping, I heard an explosion. My neighbor then knocked on my door and informed me that he had just hit my car with shrapnel from a cannon. Not only do I not have a car to drive, but I also have to put this claim on my insurance due to my neighbor being on welfare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 580
You deserved it 2 702

Leverathin tells us more.

For anyone that's following this, the cops were called. I was on the phone with my insurance company due to him not having any kind of insurance. Next thing I know the cops are busting into the building with shields and rifles

Top comments

thewhiteninja 0
Kefka91 15

Well... that sure as hell doesn't happen every day... WTF was your neighbor doing with a ******* canon?!?!? (other than shooting shit obviously)


I wouldn't report it as an accident. I'd call the police, have him arrested, and sue for destruction of property, vandalism, and reckless endangerment.

Always nice to re-affirm that our tax money is going to worthless leeches. "I can't afford food because I bought this cannon!" It's really a shame that people like this receive welfare, along with the people who keep popping out babies every 9 months. Welfare is supposed to be a crutch to help you get back on your feet, not turn you into a peg leg ass hat who is going to give someone else an eye patch because if their stupidity. There are plenty of people out there who NEED help and can't get it because of people who abuse the system. He can sell his piece of shit cannon and use the money to pay you back for destroying your car.

Oh the ass hats they all deserve to be threatened with cannons to get off their couches and go search for a job.

Just want to say perhaps the neighbor didn't buy the cannon, it could have been inherited or gifted. They also could have purchased it years before being on welfare. There is also the possibility that the cannon doesn't actually belong to them and was in fact borrowed.

nonameheroes 0

I think I'd be more interested in calling the cops after he shot my car with a ******* CANON!! I mean seriously...who the **** uses canons? I thought that shit died out after the civil war ended

you might also be interested in: cannons. |the kid|

depends what you mean by canon, most armies still use canons (30 cal. or 50 cal. etc.) but not the kind the tudors and georgians had on ships

I find it funny that you managed to miss what the kid was pointing out Rusty325. Cannon - a mounted gun for firing heavy projectiles; a gun, howitzer, or mortar. Canon - an ecclesiastical rule or law enacted by a council or other competent authority and, in the Roman Catholic Church, approved by the pope.

I use a Canon to shoot things with. I mount either a 24mm, 50mm, or an 85mm lens to it, and load it up with 35mm FujiPro or Kodak Portra before I shoot.

very nice, allmidnighteyes. |the kid|

.30 cal and .50 cal are caliber measurements for small arms (machine guns to be precise). Weapons classified "cannons" usually have projectiles 20+ mm in diameter (to compare, .30 cal is 7.62mm, and .50 cal is 12.7mm, IIRC). The chances of that guy having a modern autocannon used by today's armies are very low.

Oh shit! Tommy was right Turkish! Here come "zee Germans!"

I'm on welfare and have

longshot72 1

I work for a living and have insurance :)

SaltedSeaSlug 0

it's nice to know where all of the taxes we pay go to. we can feed the poor so they can go out and buy freaking cannons. those types of people that abuse the system like that are just leaches on society.

Put it into your insurance, but tell them what happened. They'll eventually go after your neighbors to get their money back.