By deadhamster - 03/02/2012 18:29 - United States
Same thing different taste
By traumatised - 11/10/2009 16:16 - United Kingdom
By squeak - 12/09/2011 13:52 - United Kingdom
By roze198765 - 04/08/2011 01:19 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/08/2013 17:59 - United States - Santa Rosa Beach
By zac545 - 19/02/2009 06:14 - United States
By Chatons - 05/12/2013 06:52 - Switzerland
By poorhamster - 23/10/2010 06:22 - United States
By whymommywhy - 21/04/2009 03:11 - United States
By I love my furry babies - 18/05/2019 16:09
By EpicFail - 04/02/2009 23:29 - United States
Top comments
well he wouldn't see it if he knew how to take care of hamsters.. i don't know how to say it in english - sth like 'density effect', what i mean is just too many hamsters on such space that you provide them.
No one should have to see that. I would be all WTF.
That does suck. I would probably throw up right there.
Maybe you should try feeding them more often...
DAMN Nature you scary
Sorry for your loss?
It was eating it out
Today on Nat Geo we are going to see something amazing. The great circle of life. Warning the following clips are intend for mature audiences. Today we are going to witness the species of cannibalistic hamster in action. IMO should have recorded it. That way when someone says hamsters are gay .. BAM! You wipe out you video of you cannibalistic hamster devouring his fellow cagemate. Make up something about how this is what the female does after mating with the male. But sorry for your loss that had to be tough to watch
Hamsters aren't sociable, they're solitary; tiny little gladiators in an arena if you house them together.
#6 Hamsters are not "pack" animals. So cannibalism happens. :) I think that is what you were trying to say. OP, That really sucks, but you should do research on the animal you're buying! Not just assume it'll be ok. Some animals are not meant to live in groups, better luck next time. You want a fun rodent to have, invest in guinea pigs. I love my little guys!
You watched evolution take place sorry it had to be your pets though
My hamster died yesterday, I feel half your pain, op. :,(
Your little brothers were.... female? and fought each other!? alright then...... Lucky you stayed out of the fight!!
aww shit, this reminds me of the time my hamsters mated, had kids. then the male hamster eats the mom and then proceeds to eating the babies. he then died himself. i feel your pain.
No Larry! No!!
Did he share?
Wakey wakey eggs and!.... Hamster?:/
Theyve evolved!! Shit hide yo kid hide yo wife hide yo husband!
They eatin up each otha around here??
I guess your hamsters were like. Alright someone's gotta be top hamster round here. Fight to the death and winner gets free dinner. Guess that one hamster wanted a leg of HAMster more than the other one. But Hey, look on the bright side you don't have to clean out the dead hamster. the other little guy should take care of the remains( yes I know I'm evil. So don't you try to crucify me). Hold a service for the dead hamster..... Then. Slowly roast the body over a small fire and force the other hamster to eat the meat. That should teach him not to kill something if he isn't going to clean up the mess. ;]
I'm gonna eat you 25
You just called yourself an idiot
It's the survival of the fittest.
Good ol Darwin.
Darwin supports this.
Darwin never said it. It was the Social Darwinists and their leader Herbert Spencer.
Talk about hunger games
It's okay.
We forgive you.
Aren't you only supposed to have 1 hamster unlesd it is a special kind for this reason?
Yes you are absolutely right. Unless they are dwarf hamsters then they should be kept alone because they are solitary and territorial do they will fight to the death. If you want two pets get gerbils. They get lonely if they are alone.
I had two gerbils. Now just one, the other died. Of natural causes of course. Man, a death match would've been FREAKIN AWESOME!
I had two dwarf hamsters and one ate the other after I had them for about two years. It was not a pretty sight.
To my knowledge, they generally only do that when it's two males or if a female has babies and becomes stressed.
Wow I didn't even know they could do that?I will never look at a hamster the same again! And I though they were just fluffy balls of innocence...
They do. Mmmm.
Ponyo likes ham!! (sorry completely random)
So ham tastes like chicken then?
It tastes like a mix of ham and hipsters.
Unless they where Roborowski hamsters, they shouldn't have been in the same cage in the first place... Otherwise, this is exactly what will happen...
If people doesn't know this basic knowledge about hamsters, they shouldn't buy them. Simple as that.
As completely shitty and horrible as that is, I kinda think YDI.... unless they were dwarf hamsters, it is a well-known fact that you DO NOT house hamsters together, and a quick google search would have told you that. If they were dwarf hamsters, I retract my comment and apologize, because though if they are supposed to be social and able to live together in most cases. And again, it is a very shitty thing to have one of your pets die, especially in such a traumatic fashion. My condolences.
Why do hamsters eat each other? I have to know, it's... disturbing.
I didn't know they'd eat each other, but I do know that a mother hamster will sometimes eat their babies
Most rodents are naturally omnivores. It's the pet shops and pet food companies that perhaps encourage them to be vegans because of the pet food they produce and sell. So you could say it was just instinct...
Hamsters will not live together after they start to get older. Baby hamsters are completely oblivious, but once they get older, they need space so basically then it's a fight to the death.
Dwarf hamsters that are littermates and have been raised together can sometimes be housed together. Otherwise, you want to keep them as far away from each other as possible. Hamsters are nasty little buggers. They're territorial and aggressive with their own kind as well as others, just like any other animal (you think of them as such 'cute and cuddly' critters, but nature has no place for a 'cute and cuddly' critter that can't defend its turf).

Wakey wakey eggs and!.... Hamster?:/
Sorry, man :/ That's not something you should have to see..